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[SUGGESTION] Return to 0°/Home for Rotors/Hinges/Pistons

Dazley shared this feedback 2 years ago
Not Enough Votes

You know how on 3D printers you can push a button and the gantry returns to home?

I have a similar suggestion for the rotors, pistons and hinges in SE!

At first I suggested on the Steam Forum, that a command for those blocks to return to 0° would be great, so that by the push of a button, a whole group of those blocks just automatically rotates/sets itself back to 0°. The idea came from trying to build a retractable small grid turret.

Now I realised this can be taken abit further and be made into a "return home" command.

Rotors, Hinges and Pistons should have a function that says "Set Home", which does exactly what it does in robotics. By clicking on that setting, the block remembers its current position and you can set a Button, Timer or Sensor that activates the "Return to Home" command and no matter in what position the block is, it returns to its set home position (At default the home is set to 0° or 0m for pistons).

Replies (4)


Being a 3D printer enthusiast with a professional background in robotics, I love this idea!

We've been doing this for many decades now, there's no way this concept would be lost by 2077. :)


You can more or less do this already with rotation limits (or the distance limit for pistons) and use [b]Reverse[/b] to alternate between two positions. You can achieve even more control if programming blocks are available.


The problem with setting limits tho they still apply when they are used for turret control, meaning that whatever you set the rotor and hinge limits, you wont be able to move your turret past those limits.


I've been pondering the possibility of something like this. Perhaps a setting for an "initial angle" and the ability to use the hotbar to "return to initial" would be more flexible.

When it comes to the rotor it would need a "clockwise" and "counter-clockwise" setting to know which way to rotate on return.


Remember to vote! It's only your fault for not getting features if you don't vote!


I wonder whats the required number of votes to get a suggestion from "Not enough votes" to "Submitted". I've seen suggestions lower than 10 votes be submitted and suggestions with many more votes still have not enough votes.


You need to post this in the Steam forums. I don't see why anyone would be here reading this if they didn't already know that.

I've tried, but have had little luck.


@Dazley, 50 votes in 3 months to get to "under consideration". Failure to reach that goal results in it being flagged "archived".

This explains it:

As far as I can tell, "submitted" either means it's new and hasn't received any votes (it's automatically given 1 vote by the author), or it's older than the new rules (posted below) and essentially ignored. I found zero examples of anything that had more than one vote, but less than 3 months of age that was flagged "submitted". All the rest I found with that label that had votes were ancient.

Edit: Scratch that... "submitted" looks like it's only for bug reports now.


Glabifrons, I first posted this suggestion on the steam forums and you gave me the tip to also post it here. :D


@Dazley, I'm guessing you're referring to my 1st comment... that was to andersenman. :) I'd edit it to reflect that, but it looks like there's a time limit on edits.


Posts are editable within one hour after posting.

Anyhow, how's posting in the Steam forums better? Sure, there is likely a greater audience to be reached but even Keen themselves defer to the support forum to measure actual demand. If you keep posting there and not here, no wonder you get hardly anything implemented that you requested.

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