Structural integrity

Daniel Bordeianu shared this bug 2 years ago
Need More Information

Really, it cannot be a feature when colliding with 2 or 3 unbuilt light armor blocks wrecks about 200 worth of components. Look at the attached image, I was backing up to connector, barely started moving, must have hit one of those unbuilt blocks and half the vehicle internals just disintegrated. What you see is after I rebuilt it.

I mean, each of those unbuilt blocks holds one steel. Collision should subtract materials between the blocks in contact of the 2 grids, and damage or destroy progressively. Here one steel plate (okk, maybe 3 , not more) wrecked the vehicle something terrible. Nothing to blow in it, no He, and the H2/O2 generator was damaged but not blown as I would have expected.

The way I figure, there is a calculation between the size of the grids, amplifying damage in some cases.

Really, pls think this through and fix, somehow.

Replies (1)


Hello, Daniel,

thanks for letting us know.

Can I please get more information?

It would be good to have a video showing this issue, as well as having the save file, where this issue can be observed.

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Is this issue triggered only by reverse driving onto the platform, or do you need to perform some specific steps to reproduce it?

Any more information would help.


Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Ondrej

I have looked in the saves folder it contains that one save folder but the dates of last modified are not recent even though I played about 8 hours ago (here is a screenshot). I play online, UK2 server at the moment. My report was from 2 days ago buy I have nothing to send from that time...

Now, as for replicating the issue, that small grid was weighed 30k empty and 150k loaded , and to go up that 30 degree ramp it was aided and stabilized by some aero thrusters that I believe were on at the time of the accident. The internals were pretty well protected from contact on the laterals but not on the underside. Even so, one steel plate in those unbuilt blocks should not have done that kind of damage, at maneuvering speed


Hello, Daniel,

thank you for comming back so quickly.

I see. Well, if you are playing online, the saves are not localy saved on every client's computer, but on the one where the server is running.

Can you please send me the blueprint of the base and the car, in this case, please? You can make a blueprint by aiming on the grid and pressing Ctrl+B.

That way, you can save the grids localy and either try it in single players as well (and you can send me that single player save), or send me the blueprints. Add also the video, please, as requested in my first comment.

If you would send me the save file from the single player game, the way how to do so is mentioned above. If you would share me the blueprints only, the way how to do that is pretty much the same.

You can access your blueprints files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Blueprints. Select the correct folder where your blueprint is saved (local or cloud), zip the file and attach it here.


Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Ondrej

I have done as you asked, attached are the blueprints of the vehicle and the vehicle plus base, whichever helps you most.

The problem is most apparent with a loaded vehicle (I have left it loaded in stone, don't know if you can simulate that). Plus, the problem is most apparent at the interface between ground and road tiles (simply having the blueprints won't simulate that).

But I just had another minor event of the same sort while loading the miner in the tunnel bellow where the road leads. Upon exit you need to do a 90 deg turn to orient yourself uphill. Backside barely touched the raised road border block but completely destroyed survival kit and 2 thrusters that weren't even touched. Neither was the survival kit for that matter, you will see I tried to keep Lord Klang's appetites low (see the 3 images at the back of the miner).

Joke aside, there seems to be a correlation between mass of vehicle and existing thrust (you do need the thruster pack on to move the miner controllably while loaded). It is like thrust is interpreted as instant movement at full force, and not a progressive momentum, proportional with the mass of the vehicle.

Best you come to USF base, Earth, UK2 server and see for yourself.




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It ocured to me, that you guys cannot see this happening because you test it on your server, which is in your building, so zero lag.. And yet, it is something that occurs quite frequently...and I believe it has to do with code not compensating for lag (in the sense that it assumes movement in the absence of data packets, which collide grids...with the results above). Maybe you can test such on another server with a bit of lag and maybe , too, you can add a line or three of code that prevents this. Make it a feature.

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