Lukasz Chaber shared this bug 2 years ago
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Hey i have a little problem with PCU and ownership of blocks on official keen - eu-eos #2. I have 2456/20000 PCU limit still avaible but when i log in server its says to me i have PCU limit reached. I try to load blueproint(of ship i try to buid) to ship that i buiild it also says i reached PCU limit. At some point i had negative points to PCU limit (something like -20/20000 or something like that). If i have grinded block , and rebuild it to funcional one i can still finish it - it takes down PCU limit, even if it said before i reached PCU limit.

So i can't start anything new just can finish started buildings. From what i understand it has to do something with that i use my brother welder ship (he was owner of ship and welders) to build blueprint. When i notice it give ownership of grids to him i change welders (remove his built my own) and continue building ship. He gave be ownership of block but it still says to some of them that owner is HIS NICKNAME (dead). also i gave every ownershp of grids to brother and friend but 3 grids (welder, main ship, piston with welder). Some bock i gave ownership it still says i was builder.

16884(DUZY STATEK) + 750(spawarka) + 151(Large GRid 8384) = 17785 PCU from INFO tab

17785 - 20000 = -2215 what should ibe left with

2456/20000 my Limit in build menu

Builded block in info menu (of blueprint) 2170, blueprint blocks 2596 so it should dispay 426 blocks more

using steam version, was using experimental on and off to fix this.

Windows 11 system

my nickname chaberek on server keen - eu-eos #2

Players who i traded at some point PCU for 100% - Teroslav5492 (xbox player)

and i might give something to Szarik12 (xbox player) we all in one faction.

Ship blueprints https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2810928674

Grid Baza nowy dom has cryopods that i started and finish build. Then i transfer them to Teroslav5492 (now it shows thats he builded them) i dont have them in Info menu anymore but when you enter control panel its show that i'm owner and i'm able to transfer it to "nobody"

After some testing it allowed be to start new bulidings. still get pcu limit reached when i log in server. Cant use blueprints - reason = maybe it cost 1 to display but it calculate how many PCU it takes at the end when finished and it dont allow to show blueprint if you go over your limit. That would be true in my case... i have 2 grid 901pcu (weder ship 750+151) and finished ship would be 19192 pcu so total 20093 pcu. but still why i get error on log in and diffrence in pcu limit when in info tab and built tab

DaX tryed to check it out ingame.

Some number of PCU can be diffrent now but still they dont match (info menu and G menu)

i copy conversation from discord below

chabcio — Dziś o 19:22

Hey i have a little problem with PCU and ownership of blocks on official keen - eu-eos #2. I have 2456/20000 PCU limit still avaible but when i log in server its says to me i have PCU limit reached. I try to load blueproint(of ship i try to buid) to ship that i buiild it also says i reached PCU limit. At some point i had negative points to PCU limit (something like -20/20000 or something like that). If i have grinded block , and rebuild it to funcional one i can still finish it - it takes down PCU limit, even if it said before i reached PCU limit.

So i can't start anything new just can finish started buildings. From what i understand it has to do something with that i use my brother welder ship (he was owner of ship and welders) to build blueprint. When i notice it five ownership of grids to him i change welders (remove his built my own) and continue building ship. He gave be ownership of block but it still says to some of them that owner is HIS NICKNAME (dead). also i gave every ownershp of grids to brother and friend but 3 grids (welder, main ship, piston with welder). Some bock i gave ownership it still says i was builder. Is there anyway i can fix that so i can finish building my ship ?

NikolasMarch — Dziś o 19:24

you also need to transfer the PCU to the other player, this is done from your Info tab where it lists all your grids and PCU


the other player needs to be online to accept it

chabcio — Dziś o 19:30

i did transfer that. It list right now ony 3 grid. 16884 + 750 + 151 = 17785 what i have in info tab

17785 - 20000 = -2215 i should be left with

MY PCU lmit - 2456/20000


is there a projector switched on? if there is, switch it off and recheck (edytowane)

chabcio — Dziś o 19:36

i switch off, then on , tryed to load blueprint - get PCU limit reached error


i meant leave it off, to recheck the correct PCU amount, projectors do add to your PCU, 1 PCU per projected block of any type, its an attempt to count for the performance cost of projections (edytowane)

chabcio — Dziś o 19:44

projector block turned off - 2456/20000, even if block was turned on he still did not project anything. Builded block in info menu (of blueprint) 2170, blueprint blocks 2596 so it should display 426 blocks more


it might be 2 PCU per projected block on EOS servers

just tested by someone, its not 2 per projected block

chabcio — Dziś o 20:19

maybe it cost 1 to display but it calculate how many PCU it takes at the end when finished and it dont allow to show blueprint if you go over your limit. That would be true in my case... i have 2 grid 901pcu (weder ship 750+151) and finished ship would be 19192 pcu so total 20093 pcu. but still why i get error on log in and diffrence in pcu limit when in info tab and built tab

Replies (4)


Game version screenshot


Also i remember that we had problem with ownership on other official server. My brother builded ship i fly it to trader to trade. Docked it and wanted to access ships inventory but i could see it. My brother could accss ships inventory from trader. He transfer ship ownership to me, i could not still gain access to ship inventory to finish mission, if i remember he still had access after transfering to me. When ship was transfered there were still some blocks that said "Teroslav5492 (dead)" is owner - on control panel tab list. When i build full ship by myself i gain access to use inventory of a ship to use it when docked at trader


i remember that i first place projector with battery to project bluprint that give first post. Blueprint himself have projector, so after some building of projected ship when i build projector included in bluepirnt i did delete old one and start using one from blueprint. I even might have 2 projectors turned at once


Hello, Lukasz,

thanks for sharing your concern with us.

However, I thing that this is not a bug, after I tried similar situation. After discussion with designers, the PCU counting is currently correct and by design when the number is increased even just from projection itself, and the blocks are not fully build.

Since you are writting in your last comment, that you actually might have two projectors On at the same time... this might be the origin of your issue, really.

Do I understand it correctly, that most of your issues are connected with this – that the On projector projecting blueprint is counting these PCU as already build? That is all right as far as I can tell and after discussion with designers.

Don't fully understand the second part of this report, tho. Can you please try to explain it more? Do you have some steps how to reproduce the negative PCU number? If you could share steps how to manage this, that would be great! But... if it originied only from PCU traiding with other players and using projections... I guess that it's not a bug anyway.

Please let me know about the second part if you have any reliable steps how to reproduce it; if you can even provide the BPs so I can try it exactly how you are doing it, that would help as well.


Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Im sorry for my English and my chaotic text.

1. Negative PCU stuff

Sady i dont have any screenshots but my idea below my help you check it on creative mode. i Done negative thing only once and it did not accour anymore. WIll try to do it one more time.

I was builiding my ship from blueprints, after buildings most of it (around 2170 blocks/16884PCU) i got red msg that i reach PCU limit (also blueprint dissapear - was not loaded on projector - i notice that a little bit later) When i check "G" menu it told me i have negative PCU left (sadly dont remmber number) so its said something like -2000/20000. I did restart game, reconnect to server, turn on and off experimetal mode - random order, random times(can't remember numbers. and it go back to possitive yet still it show red msg of pcu limit when i joined game and try to place new blocks (i can place blocks now)

If i had read it right - block that are projected and builded still use PCU limit (1pcu per block?) if that's correct thing that happen could be : i was let say 1 PCU before limit of 20000. I finished building block that used more then 2 PCU. SO when i finished block it would act like 20001/20000 and game did not allow it so it change to negative? After my restarts etc. Blueprints turned off, so i unlock PCU because nothing was projected.

2. PCU doffence in "G" and Info tab

PCU from "G" menu = 2523/20000

PCU from Info tab:

151+750+16884 = 17785 = 2215/20000

I have two diffrence numbers but they should be the same

I do not project anything at that point, so no PCU is taken to projected ship.

3. I cant use projector to project blueprint of that ship because of PCU limit. If projected and already builded blocks still use PCU i understand that i cant that blueprints. i have left 2215 PCU left from info tab and projected Blueprint have more then 2215 blocks

4. If projected blocks that are finished still take projection PCU (1pcu) that means we cant build ships like mine (19000pcu/ around 2400 blocks) because we wont be able to project blueprints at some point after building it because we reach PCU limit


i was trying to do negative PCU thing and i failed. I was doing it on singleplayer so no lag. Maybe it happen when there was any lag and i was using welder so it welded more then one at once ? i would like to help prove it. WIll test some more later.


ok i delatet big ship grid so now i have 2 grids 770 + 551 = 1321

i have left to use 18728

so... 1321 + 18728 = 20049 of 20000 max... how?

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