Using Localization in a custom mod causes variable to name components

S King shared this bug 2 years ago

I just figured out how to get localization to work properly (sort of) by coding a resx file for english and adding an sbl file for that as well. I also use the {LOC:var} method to get the SE engine to recognize my custom localization.... The problem is after I save, quit, and reload the names it saved in the grid change from the translation to the variable name (see screen shot) before I saved and quit the grid had all the values of those display names as the names in that control panel...

Replies (4)


I'm just wondering if the same reason we need to add {LOC: } around our variables, maybe it needs to be written that way too and it's getting stripped out before it's written... just a thought.


{LOC: VAR} is need for mod localisation, but the var should not show in components panel, as English should be default with the files(resx/sbl) without language code in the filename.

Thats a strange bug, anyway you got my vote.


I tried uploading a video, but when I clicked on it my AV flagged it so I removed it.

Also, I opened a ticket to get some attention on this and they told me to open a bug report, so... yeah.

They said someone from QA would speak to me there (isn't that here?)

And upload log files....

Isn't this public? There is private info in that file... plus this is not a crash bug, it is a failure on your software to retain the {LOC: } variable wrappers you make the modders use to get their localization variables recognized by the SE engine in order tow work. Apparently you don't write that to the save file.


Hello, S King,

thanks for letting us know.

You think you are able to provide some save file with this mod/localization modification as well, so I can take a closer look on it, please?

Preferably if you provide all the needed information, files etc., so I can try it on my own.

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Also some more indepth information, like a video or accurate steps how to make it work in game and how to reproduce this issue would be great help!

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Thank you so much for getting back to me. This is in an unreleased mod at the moment. I can make a simple example of this in a new mod, very basic, and I will upload that mod and the world to demo.


I created a new mod for you to test with on

Here's how to reproduce the bug:

1. Include this mod and load the world save

2. Create a Custom_Cube

3. Open a terminal on the cube (it's a cargo container, so just try and access the cargo)

4. Go to control panel and you see the English name and description of a custom cube

5. Save the world and exit

6. Reload the saved world and check the cube

7. Control panel now shows the localization variable name instead of the translation


This may be obvious, but you will need to make sure your localization is set to English or you won't see the bug, you will always only see the variable names if set to any other language because there is only English localization in the test mod.


Hello, S King,

thanks for all the effort, for making the mod and for sending me the save file and the video.

Like this, and with all the provided information, the issue was successfully reproduced and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


That's great news! Look forward to the update that fixes this... :)


It has been 17 months since the issue was reproduced and put into your internal system.

And yet no fix. So is there any ETA for the fix?


Is there any news regarding this problem?

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