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Realistic sound broken with today's update (Patch 1.201)

Robert Baldwin shared this bug 2 years ago

Realistic sound is broken by today's update.

Steps to Reproduce

1) Airless ship or station.

2) Load game outside of ship, character touching nothing. Character floating in space

3) Land on ship.

4) Notice ship sounds are transmitted through touching the ship,as it should be.

5) Use jetpack to leave ship. Sound fades like it should.

6) Land on the ship again. Sound is transmitted through touching the ship as it should be.

7) Use jetpack to leave ship, again.

8) Notice you can still hear the ship sounds no matter where you fly to.

Must use jetpack to leave the ship, walking off the ship the sound fades as it should.

Sounds continue even if ship is powered off with the "Y" key. Only exiting to menu and reloading stops the sounds.

Replies (44)


Hello, Robert,

thanks for letting us know about this issue!

It was indeed successfully reproduced and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Please push this to the top of the list. Just pressing X repeatedly produces a new audio loop every time the jetpack is toggled on. It causes playing the game with sound on to go from really annoying to unplayable without a reload/reconnect. Lots of good suggestions given here for a quick work-around.


Is it the goal of Keen to push off repairing this bug until the population of people interested in your software is depleted? Or, are you just saving the repair for a year? Either way, ignoring a serious issue like this shows extremely shitty customer appreciation.


This is also an issue in arcade sound mode


I'm noticing some strange sounds for thrusters as well with realistic sound... like it's not playing the correct sound, it's like it's somehow broken, but I'm not sure how to explain it.


Tried turning down game master volume to 10%. Eventually, the looping sounds were so loud it was nauseating and I couldn't even here my friend on discord.


So I lifted off my station's floor with my jet pack, and the sound seemed to not just loop, but every sound revolution, would double in volume.

I hope when this is fixed, that there's an announcement on steam or something, because my friend and I have deemed the game unplayable until it's fixed.


I just play the game without any sound for now, and I put up some music instead. The fact that the sounds stack on top of each other makes the game unplayable without turning the sound off sadly.


I finally had the sound stacking over each other bug.... it was very strange, I had never seen a bug like this before... it just got louder and louder and couldn't hear other things properly.


I just realized, I am inside an air tight ship, I have oxygen inside the ship, outside is obviously the vacuum of space, and I'm grinding down a ship that is outside of the pressurized compartment my character is inside.. and I'm hearing the grinder sound and it's playing the incorrect sound for the grinder in space.... in the past it would sound like it is transferring the sound through the ships body and was muffled...

But now it's playing the sound like the default arcade sound in space.

The realistic sound option is very broken.


I can confirm the same issue, happened to me in atmosphere and out of atmosphere as well.


I feel like 1 quick fix for at least the annoying looping would be to implement a button/keybind that reloads the games audio subsystem, as it seems that the CueId to stop certain sounds somehow fails, maybe the list of currently playing sounds has a some kind of race condition or another issue which could cause the function that stops playback of sounds to break.

I noticed that if i change my audio device while the sounds are looping, it seems to "clear" the sounds that are stuck (until they get stuck again)


Yeah, i think a commands like stopsound can be very cool, because wait a fix is long and the Arcade Sound is not Immersive :/


Same problem on xbox


I have similar problem when using Realistic sounds. Often opening doors and the welder do not make the sound anymore, or with a long delay.

Arcade wise the sound seems to work still.


Same problem here. Sound effects are a mess now. Reloading the game provides temporary relief but the problem is so ubiquitous you keep reloading constantly.


Yeah, this bug is making my game almost unplayable!


For me, it's not just in the situation described by the OP, any sound can begin looping randomly only getting fixed by exiting and rejoining the server. It often happens for me when I walk past my refineries, the refinery sound will then get stuck and keep looping no matter where I go.


Confirmed that the bug relates to all in-game looped sounds. EG: The beacon sound of an 'unknown signal' cargo drop, which will continue to play even after the sound block (indeed, even the entire probe) is dismantled into nothing.


Im having this exact issue and it's driving me insane. I hear every loop sound from the ship at full volume all the time. It's just meaningless noise.


The lingering sound loop always happens for me in realistic sound settings.

There does not seems to be single cause (though it can be code-wise).

For me it greatly reduces the enjoyability.

I will try with arcade.


Per ticket 25354-06-21 with video, and save file; issue also exists in arcade mode.


I was planning to post in another topic, but was directed here with that one marked as a duplicate.

This problem also exists on Arcade Sounds.

Note that I was able to make some observations that may help.

1. This (very consistently) happens if you turn something on (engines, drills, etc.) when in a cockpit and go to third-person view. When you exit the cockpit, the sound persists once you're back in first person mode.

2. To stop the sound: Go back into the cockpit/seat/whatever and re-enable whatever makes the sound, then disable it, *both* actions while still in first person view. Exit the seat while still in first-person and the sound will be disabled.

3. The sound isn't always the appropriate one. The first time I had it happen, I was using drills in a large ship anchored to an asteroid in 3rd person (it hadn't occurred to me at the time this was the trigger) and couldn't figure out how to get it to stop. I dug through the sound files in the game and found the drills were making one of the grinder sounds (not the drill sound).

I was able to both trigger and correct this repeatedly in the game, so this should be reproducible and the 1st/3rd person piece may be a clue to help find where the bug is in the code.


Any new for the bug ??? Realistic sound missing to my immersivity, i am a little impatient to get it back xD


Possibly related: some ambient ship sounds (maybe idle ion engines?) that occur while flying remote control small vehicle with camera do not go away when I stop controlling the vehicle. Using realistic sound mode in space



Yes, that is the same bug. Won't matter if you're using arcade or realistic sound mode, the sounds will repeat. Bug happened 2 months ago and so far there's been no fix. I actually uninstalled the game from my computer, because I hate playing it without sound, but with sound is unbearable.


This needs to get fixed ASAP. I purchased the game on steam , full bundle with everything and its absolutely immersion breaking.


Other blocks seem to have an effect too, especially refinery. If I walk past an idle refinery, idle refinery noise plays until I reload the world. Eventually other noises stop playing such as doors opening and closing. I guess some limit for the number of sound clips that can play simultaneously is reached by ambient sounds being stuck on


I'm having the exact same issue. It's driving me crazy and I'm thinking about stopping playing until the bug is fixed. It's so bad and I'm not the first person saying this. If it was a uncommon bug... But happens every time I play!


Issue still present, and completely awful.


Please fix this! I wanna play Space Engineers!


Issue still present, very easy to reproduce. You don't even have to jp off a grid; cut jp to fall near a grid, then walk off a ledge or bounce yourself in space in low-gravity. You can keep piling up the glitch until you have your entire grid's modules at full blast in your ears no matter where you are or if they're turned on. Maybe unrelated, but the voice informing me my inventory is full sometimes doesn't play for a few minutes (not always a bad thing). Tbh l'm a bit incredulous seeing this kind of glitch here. Hopefully it's not three more month 'till it's fixed. l'm really digging the game otherwise.


Issue does not reproduce in atmosphere of earth planet


Seriously?! I am going to test this right now. If this is the case, at least I can play a land-based game whilst waiting for Keen to mosey about finding a fix for the whole issue!


Can confirm, sounds do not repeat in Earth's Atmosphere. Still does in space, however.


Well, yeah, one would assume it's caused by the realistic setting's handling of the void's sound cutting.


The bug happens in atmosphere asswell!!!! Please fix!!... it has been a while now..... and it is a complete turnoff !!!


I remeber a situation some 3-4 years ago, when i started playing.

I was alone in sigleplayer mining an asteroid and loud thruster sounds would start and sounded like they are geting closer and louder, so i was left hiding in the asteroid.

I was shure a ship of some kind is outside waiting for me.

Eventualy i grew a pair and went out to check and there was nothingh anywhere, apart for the sounds.

I saved and restarted, and when i got back all was quiet.

It kept happening again and again but i got used to it and ignored it, but than it was eventualy fixed with some update.


@TheBackupplan, I haven't been able to reproduce the issue in Earth's Atmosphere. I haven't tried other atmospheres.


any news after 3 months ???


Nope, no news.

As for the atmospheres not producing the bug: I have not been able to reproduce it on Alien Planet either. So my thinking is that as long as there is enough atmosphere to have oxygen at some point, the bug will not happen. That being said, it's atmosphere, not gravity well. I haven't tried on Pertam yet, to see if during a dust storm, when O2 says "none" if the bug will happen then.


I contend that running off the ship without jetpack does not prevent the bug. this sound bug always occurs when I leave the ship the second time.


Can confirm that no vanilla planet/moon with atmosphere will produce the bug in atmosphere. If you go into space... well, probably best to just stay in atmosphere if you want to avoid the bug. Get a gravel sifter mod to get the resources you'd otherwise only get from space.


hotfix it please


I too have experienced this both in space and on ground...

For me its background sounds of assembleries and refineries that make noise even though you walk or jetpack away from it. (I'm using realist sounds mode)




Have not been able to reproduce the sound on any planet or moon with an atmosphere. So long as you stay in the atmosphere (oxygen low to high). If you leave the atmosphere or go high enough that there's no oxygen, the bug can happen.

I also contacted Keen to ask to see the code to see if I could find the problem and provide a solution, since it's taking so long, a fresh pair of eyes could be useful. They responded that "as you can see from the forums, it's already been sorted out", and that they didn't need anyone else looking at it. Well, that was a month ago. And after 5 months since the bug started, there's still no fix. Clearly Keen, you do need more help and the problem has NOT been "sorted out".


Indeed, this problem has not been sorted out and persists. I experience this looping sound issue whether in space or in pressurized interiors. It's arguably worse in the latter as multiple audio sources start overlapping. Realistic sound is increasingly unplayable the longer it goes on, and the only real solution seems to be to use Arcade sound for now.


I just enter a cockpit on a ship, i started to accelerate and got thruster sounds, after that turned dampeners off, so i flew in a strainght line, than turned them on again to slow down when i reached my destination. All the time since acceleration i had the same annoying thruster loping stopped when i turned the ship off.


Error 404, that's not actually part of the bug. In your settings under "Sound", you'll see an option for "Speed Based Ship Sound". Turn this off for more realistic sounds. Otherwise, when you're at speed, it will give you the sounds of engine noises.


It is part of the bug, i had thruster looping sounds when the ship stood still after i stopped at my destination.

The sound was not of "engine noises" it was engine noises accelerating, than slowing down, over and over and over again. Even if the ship stood still and thrusters not beeing in use.

I have so many videos of this that i didnt bother filming on this accasion.


Yeah, well, it's obviously related to the same bug in the sound triggers system. There's a couple similar bugs in arcade audios (e.g. when turning grinders on/off while zoomed-out or just a bit too far from them). It's just glaringly obvious in realistic.


Yes, sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying on your first post.


It gets annoying and you cant just restart the game on a server. There are others waiting to get in, if you loose your spot you might not be able to play for hours.


Even in a local instance, quick loading takes 1.5-2 minutes, and I can easily get back into this state even when I'm being very careful within seconds... On an MP server that's crowded, yes, even worse issue. Even a workaround to just reset sound system on-the-fly through keybind or slash command would be acceptable (though a proper fix would obviously be ideal)


Keen do you even look at this thread anymore? Where is fix??


This bug is the worst. I have not been able to stop playing SE since I started a couple weeks back, but in my initial sandbox game starting on a planet, I finally made it to space and established a base there, but it is unbearable... if I EVER land on the base, leaving it gets more and more unbearably noisy.

If I stay using jetpacks and never attach my boots or use artificial gravity, it's ok, but that kind of isn't any fun after a point. I put a gravity gen in my base at one point, and if I even forget and jump once, it's all over... each jump gets worse and worse until I just have a constant 120dB droan in my ears until I do a 1.5minute quick reload. It's terrible.

Landing on a base and jumping off or jetpacking off does the same... I did just build my first large-grid ship with a walkable interior, and it has the same problem, if I ever attach then detach (jump or jetpack) it just gets a constantly increasing drone. I would say it's unplayable if I wasn't still so addicted, but it REALLY ruins the experience, is probably going to cause me hearing loss because it happens like boiling a frog, but quickly gets untenable, but I avoid the 1.5 minute reload time and just deal with it. I SHOULD turn off sound, but usually don't do that either... I must be masochistic.

This happens in arcade and realistic, I actually switched to realistic at first because I thought maybe that would fix it, but it just makes it more obvious.. on one side, thanks for driving me to change that option, because I LOVE realistic sound mode, but.. PLEASE FIX THIS! it's terrible.


Even if it's just as simple as a hotkey binding or console/chat slash command to reset sound system or stop and re-poll what sounds should be heard, even that would be a massive improvement.. it'd just be annoying but a live-able workaround, but the current state is just maddening to the extreme. :(


Oh, neat trick, try this! When you're in an airtight structure with machinery (a refinery will do it), tap X a bunch of times to toggle your jetpack off and on again. Each time it turns on, a new audio loop begins! The game goes from fun to unplayable in record time!


Complaints from player base for months now, where is the fix? Lacking


Game unplayable! An engine/machine-type sound starts when nearing the engine and production room. Goes at full volume and never stops until I have exited the game.


Yeah, I have just had to stop playing in space, because it's just unplayable. I can't imagine why this hasn't been hotfixed, it is so bad. I have to assume it must only affect certain hardware specs or something, because if it was like this for everyone, letting it go for 7 months would result in a player base of 0... or I guess just everyone who plays with sound off. But while I tried to work around it for a bit by not landing or touching anything else, I've realized it's just unplayable without reloading every 2 minutes, and spending about half my time on a loading screen is not fun or worth my time. :(


My friend and I are having this problem too on our dedicated server (planets, survival mode, simulation sound). We started on the moon with realistic sound and always end up with a constant "ship" sound white-noise. Thank goodness we use simulation sound or it would probably be unbearable. We're basically playing without sound though, which really stinks. I want to invite a few friends to join us, but I can't in good conscience recommend a game without sound. My friend and I are long-time players, so we just suffer through it. If anyone knows any good tricks to force the sound to work without reloading, I'd love to know!


Play in a planet with breathable atmosphere, and the bug won't happen. Just gotta stay planet-side, until Keen gets their BS worked out and fixes this.


It’s incredible that Keen doesn’t do more to address this game breaking bug. Since the emergence of this bug I started a planet-side base primarily because of this bug. It’s been months now, my base is fully fledged and I’m really wanting to return to space. Keen could at the very least explain what’s taking them so long.


What pisses me off is that I explained that I had recently learned coding and was interested in looking through the code with a fresh pair of eyes, to try to locate the problem and possibly provide a fix. I explained that if I found it, I would send a message to the devs so that they could fix it in the official code, and I wouldn't want to take any credit myself. They responded that "no" they didn't need anyone else looking at the code, and that "as you can see, the problem has been already sorted". Which, seeing as I wrote to them after 3 months of no fix, and it's now pushing into the 8th month, they clearly did not have it sorted. Their arrogance and condescending attitude has really turned me off to ever wanting to help them with anything in the future. It's as if they're too proud to care.


So OneSki, I'd say make a mod that fixes it.

That said.... Some games are known to grab mod code and incorporate it in to the base game, and with them acting like that, they would likely just jack the code, and proclaimed they fixed it.


As a software engineer myself, my optimistic viewpoint is that they are bundling it into the bigger update they have planned, and don't want to mess up their release branch by making a hotfix in the middle of testing. Otherwise, they are planning to make a major update to a broken game, which doesn't make any sense at all.


You are able to switch to arcade sound mode to alleviate the annoyance. please do that.


Switching to arcade doesn't fix it.


^This. Also hell no.

It was working and they broke it. We want fixes, not workarounds.


They're focus is to provide new content for new customers making old playing players happy isn't profitable. Most respectful companies providing regular short periods update just to fix bugs. Some even days apart. Keen when was last update just for bugs?


Idk if it's just me, or the fact that I've stopped working from our moon base and moved on to a space station, but I haven't noticed any sound problems since yesterday. Were there any changes? I swear that before I could just hop into my ship with a fighter cockpit and trigger the sound problem, and now nothing even if I start from my moon base.


Space Engineers starts to sound hum only after few minutes.... So I have to disable sound completely after few minutes of gameplay.

This bug annoys me for a long time. Please fix it soon! I want to play SE with sound, not silent.

Also as a suggestion, please add sound normalization (not sure if it is called as). Some sound effects are too loud, some too silent. As a result, silent ones are not audible unless increasing the speaker volume to very high which is not possible 99% of the time because of loud sound effects.


Thales, try getting the mod Sneaky Sounds… it may help a little, it lowers the volume of really loud repetitive tools sounds like the drill, which was one of the big ones that shredded my eardrums. :)


7 months since report, and still not fixed yet.


I've modified my favorite gameshow moto from "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

"Keen Software House - Where the support is made up and the bugs don't matter!"

For some reason, I see that this bug has been a game killer for over half a year, and I feel like they're just going to let it ruin their player pool for a year before they even check this thread again, if they ever do. And, it'll probably be a year before they figure out how to fix the problem they created. Until then, we (and the bug) have been swept under the rug.


I hope this gets fixed soon, really sucks not being able to use dynamic sounds. I've been searching for a fix for days before stumbling on this thread hoping to not have to restart with an arcade sounds game, after reading it sounds like those are bugged too. Any updates from Keen on this?


Guys, I propose to combine our efforts to make the sound-fix mod. Each of u can write your's system param (maybe rly the problem is in hardware?) down there. I'll try to hack their code, after success will write off the results. If anyone want to help - write me.

My: asus laptop, on rtx and i7. GeForce Game Ready drivers.


i9, homebuilt. GeForce RTX 2080 Super


Hi guys, I made another attempt to troubleshoot/repair this issue and I may have AT LEAST fixed Arcade sound for myself.

Previously, both arcade and realistic were completely broken and unplayable with this glitch, setting foot on my large factory ship even in arcade mode would instantly result in looped wind/machine sound that never went away again.

I backed up my saves and then fully deleted ALL Space Engineers related folders:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers


but also

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\244850 (this is the workshop mod content folder for SE)

I then unsubscribed from the Aerodynamic Physics mod that I had been using, because I had a suspicion that it could be a culprit in this issue, solely because my looping sound always seemed to be WINDY.

I then reinstalled the game and started a new vanilla game with no mods (Lost Colony). This ironically automatically started in Realistic sound mode, so I noticed sound loops in testing. I switched it to Arcade mode and then did not notice any more bugs.

So I then restored my old savegame and made sure to remove the Aerodynamic mod from the mod list, change it to arcade mode, and now... fingers crossed, I have been playing in my original modded world with sound working correctly. I don't know if it was the deleting of the files and redownloading everything, the removal of the Aero mod, or both, but I am least able to use arcade mode again and play the game. If anyone would like to reproduce these steps please update here with your results.


I've been having this issue for ages, my ears getting blown out. I will attempt the listed workaround to see if it makes a difference.


workaround does not work. disabling realistic round (enabling speed based ship sounds) does not rectify this issue. this is a fresh install of the game client.


My question is why are we still experiencing this bug? It has been a problem for a very long time and would appear Keen is doing nothing about it. I have to log out or reload my save to make it stop for a time, is the only thing that works for me.


because keen has like 2 helpdesk people triaging tickets, and they like to operate the support portal in a reddit-esque style where sufficient votes need to be stacked on before keen will even bother looking at them.


9 months of sound bugs and you are releasing a beta tomorrow? Please make sure to have this sound bug patched in the new release or I'm uninstalling the game.


I think Space Engineers is going to end up another dead game because major issues are just left to fester. What a waste.


Issue fixed in beta.


Has anyone tried the beta and can confirm if the bug is fixed in the beta?


Yeah i would also want to know if this is still happening its really annoying


Looks like its only Realistic bug


Beta seems to have fixed it, been playing for hours with my Realistic sound, and it's perfect.


Just installed the beta and did short test with one of the saves where I had the realistic sound bug. So far no problems, it seem the beta has fixed this problem.


Nice wondering when will it go live because arcade sound is annoying


Testing in Beta now, and so far, it seems fixed.

Cautiously optimistic on this one...


Which beta version should I choose? There are several of them on the Steam list.


Beta testing has ended so better wait until update goes live because there is no option for it right now



That said, the issue NEVER resurfaced during my entire time in the beta, so here is hoping they finally nailed the issue to the ground.


Still broken...


Do you use any mods?


The Beta is over. Hopefully the Final release of Automation(sp?) will hold the fix we all so Desperately need.


Ofc I use mods, but non of the mods I use would have any impact on the sound thats been bugged for years.. I also play vanilla when I create ships and if u run some assemblers the sound also buggs. The loops is never ending... Its very... Very annoying how this is still an issue and we have to quite the game and reload in order to fix this.

I think the Audio is very important aspect of the game I wish the audio was overhauled again make the thrusters sound more interesting rather than a loop etc.


Iwo K, wait for the (june?) update, it must fix that. According to beta-testers.



Automatons just released, and the issue is 100% resolved. Tested in all the different ways to break it, tapping X, fast airlock cycling, and other tests, and Realistic sound is FIXED.


You’re sure? Haven’t been able to test it yet because of work, but I can’t think of a better way to start my weekend. But, damn Keen, was it really necessary to roll this bugfix out with a large update? This way it took a bloody 11 months. For smaller bugs that’s somewhat acceptable, but this was a bug that made any game in space borderline unplayable. I’ve been restricting my gameplay to planets wherever possible for the better part of a year because of this and played in space with sound mostly muted.


Hello, Engineers,

I'm happy to announce that this issue is already fixed in the new version 202.

I will close this thread now as solved.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Thanks for the fix Keen, but damn you took your sweet time in rolling it out! I wonder how many players you've lost, because they bought the broken game, and cashed in for a refund, that will never come back to playing. For a error that literally ruined the gameplay, I would have thought any reasonable company would've rolled out an hotfix within a week maximum to fix the problem. I'll keep it in mind for the future that in the event of a gameplay ender like this bug, to just uninstall the game and check back in a year to see if you've "gotten around" to making a fix for it yet.

You guys really damaged my faith in how much you care about your customers with this one.


Check threads about subgrids for a nice 50 month trip to 'this problem is solved' but it really isn't.


"After 11 mounths in development, hopefully it will be worth the wait, thanks and have fun." You really need to roll out fix for this kind of bug from the first day, not with big update...

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