floating solar panels on planet unmovable even with piston

Dulak shared this bug 6 years ago


Game Version 1.188.025

I started a survivor game on Mars and built my solar panels too low. When i tried to move them up using a piston it crushed throught the connecting armor blocks. I got suspicious and removed every block besides the solar panels and now they're floating in the air without any connection to my station.I'd love to attach the safefiles but it says "incorrect file type" so i hope a screenshot will help at least.

I am playing with "experimental settings on" but without any mods. Just recently got some very basic scripts but i doubt they can cause such a bug. After turning off experimental settings they're still floating, unmoveable.

Replies (4)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Also i don't have "unsupported stations" enabled so that isn't the cause of the bug.

This seems to be connected to the patch that made static grids totally unmoveable, so because i built it on my repurposed lander whom i turned into a station since it said it increases performance (i assume performance of the extractors and furnances inside and not the performance of the game itself, so if it just increases game performance perhaps a clarification of that tooltip would be good).

It seems like the game handled me disconnecting the solar panels from the main station as if i had "unsupported stations" enable, which i did not.


Those kinds of problems seem to only happen with the starting lander.

I recently tested around a bit more and got a "Error Convert to ship is not possible" message directly after removing one of the athmospheric thrusters - wasn't even standing near any control panel. When i went to the ships control seat i tried to convert back to ship and it worked just fine.

I think the issue is that i technically didn't build the lander even though i own it and thus some weird things are applied to it.

An probably easy fix would be to make the game think that people actually built the lander they spawned it, even though that might cause issues with making the lander despawn if people respawn in a new ship.

Generally the issue arrives just when people turn their owned but not built by themselves lander into a station. I just tested some more and if you don't turn it into a station and cut off the ramp it falls down normally but if you turn it into a station and cut off the ramp the ramp just stands in the air, even with "unsupported stations" disabled.

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