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Crash on graphics card out of memory when large voxel deformations are loaded

BookBurner shared this bug 3 years ago
Won't Fix

Several players on our server complained that they are unable to play consistently. Crashing immediately after logging in or spawning on their base. After investigation we found out it was caused by the the asteroid with huge dug out tunnel system within it by the same faction.

Seems the error is not consistent, some people on the same spot have this issue, some don't.

reinstall, validation, deletion of local AppData files was tried, Only the asteroid deletion resolved the issue for them.

Client log's don't show any error, they just end abruptly as they are trying to connect during the voxel definition load.

Graphics cards in question from the players I was able tor each this morning:

Geforce GTX 1050 Max-Q 3GB

RTX 2070

2022-02-09 22:01:15.847 - Thread:   1 ->  Info: Planet generator name: Pertam
2022-02-09 22:01:15.848 - Thread:   1 ->  Info: Planet init values: Planet init arguments: 
Storage name: Pertam-12345d120000
 Storage: Sandbox.Engine.Voxels.MyOctreeStorage
 PositionMinCorner: X:-10015450 Y:-235408 Z:2297550
 Radius: 0
 AtmosphereRadius: 122500
 MaxRadius: 0
 MinRadius: 0
 HasAtmosphere: True
 AtmosphereWavelengths: {X:0.65 Y:0.57 Z:0.475}
 GravityFalloff: 7
 MarkAreaEmpty: True
 AtmosphereSettings: VRageRender.Messages.MyAtmosphereSettings
 SurfaceGravity: 1.2
 AddGps: False
 SpherizeWithDistance: True
 Generator: MyObjectBuilder_PlanetGeneratorDefinition/Pertam
   EnvironmentId = <null>
   EnvironmentDefinition = MyObjectBuilder_ProceduralWorldEnvironment/Pertam
   HasAtmosphere = True
   CloudLayers = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[VRageRender.Messages.MyCloudLayerSettings]
   PlanetMaps = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaps
   HillParams = Range[-0.025, 0.025]
   MaterialsMaxDepth = Range[4000, 4000]
   MaterialsMinDepth = Range[20, 20]
   OreMappings = VRage.Game.MyPlanetOreMapping[]
   GravityFalloffPower = 7
   MapProvider = VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.MyObjectBuilder_PlanetTextureMapProvider
   HostileAtmosphereColorShift = VRage.Game.MyAtmosphereColorShift
   SurfaceMaterialTable = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialDefinition[]
   DistortionTable = VRage.Game.MyPlanetDistortionDefinition[]
   DefaultSurfaceMaterial = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialDefinition
   DefaultSubSurfaceMaterial = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialDefinition
   SoundRules = Sandbox.Definitions.MyPlanetEnvironmentalSoundRule[]
   MusicCategories = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[VRage.Game.MyMusicCategory]
   MaterialGroups = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialGroup[]
   MaterialEnvironmentMappings = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Definitions.MyPlanetEnvironmentMapping]]]
   SurfaceGravity = 1.2
   AtmosphereHeight = 0
   SectorDensity = 0.0017
   DefaultSurfaceTemperature = Cozy
   Atmosphere = VRage.Game.MyPlanetAtmosphere
   AtmosphereSettings = VRageRender.Messages.MyAtmosphereSettings
   MaterialBlending = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialBlendSettings
   FolderName = Pertam
   Detail = VRage.Game.MyPlanetSurfaceDetail
   AnimalSpawnInfo = VRage.Game.MyPlanetAnimalSpawnInfo
   NightAnimalSpawnInfo = <null>
2022-02-09 21:32:31.830 - Thread:   1 ->  Info: Planet init values: Planet init arguments: 
Storage name: Kepler-1649c-12345d120000
 Storage: Sandbox.Engine.Voxels.MyOctreeStorage
 PositionMinCorner: X:11730499 Y:127797 Z:2597658
 Radius: 0
 AtmosphereRadius: 96250
 MaxRadius: 0
 MinRadius: 0
 HasAtmosphere: True
 AtmosphereWavelengths: {X:0.65 Y:0.57 Z:0.475}
 GravityFalloff: 7
 MarkAreaEmpty: True
 AtmosphereSettings: VRageRender.Messages.MyAtmosphereSettings
 SurfaceGravity: 1
 AddGps: False
 SpherizeWithDistance: True
 Generator: MyObjectBuilder_PlanetGeneratorDefinition/Kepler-1649c
   EnvironmentId = <null>
   EnvironmentDefinition = MyObjectBuilder_ProceduralWorldEnvironment/Kepler-1649c
   HasAtmosphere = True
   CloudLayers = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[VRageRender.Messages.MyCloudLayerSettings]
   PlanetMaps = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaps
   HillParams = Range[-0.03, 0.03]
   MaterialsMaxDepth = Range[4000, 4000]
   MaterialsMinDepth = Range[20, 20]
   OreMappings = VRage.Game.MyPlanetOreMapping[]
   GravityFalloffPower = 7
   MapProvider = VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.MyObjectBuilder_PlanetTextureMapProvider
   HostileAtmosphereColorShift = VRage.Game.MyAtmosphereColorShift
   SurfaceMaterialTable = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialDefinition[]
   DistortionTable = VRage.Game.MyPlanetDistortionDefinition[]
   DefaultSurfaceMaterial = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialDefinition
   DefaultSubSurfaceMaterial = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialDefinition
   SoundRules = Sandbox.Definitions.MyPlanetEnvironmentalSoundRule[]
   MusicCategories = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[VRage.Game.MyMusicCategory]
   MaterialGroups = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialGroup[]
   MaterialEnvironmentMappings = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Definitions.MyPlanetEnvironmentMapping]]]
   SurfaceGravity = 1
   AtmosphereHeight = 0
   SectorDensity = 0.0017
   DefaultSurfaceTemperature = Cozy
   Atmosphere = VRage.Game.MyPlanetAtmosphere
   AtmosphereSettings = VRageRender.Messages.MyAtmosphereSettings
   MaterialBlending = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialBlendSettings
   FolderName = Kepler-1649c
   Detail = VRage.Game.MyPlanetSurfaceDetail
   AnimalSpawnInfo = VRage.Game.MyPlanetAnimalSpawnInfo
   NightAnimalSpawnInfo = <null>
   EnvironmentSectorType = Sandbox.Game.WorldEnvironment.MyEnvironmentSector
   MesherPostprocessing = VRage.ObjectBuilders.Definitions.Components.MyObjectBuilder_VoxelMesherComponentDefinition
   MinimumSurfaceLayerDepth = 5
   StationBlockingMaterials = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[VRage.Game.MyDefinitionId]
   WeatherGenerators = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[VRage.Game.MyWeatherGeneratorSettings]
   WeatherFrequencyMin = 800
   WeatherFrequencyMax = 5400
   GlobalWeather = False
   MaxBotCount = 16
   MaxBotsPerPlayer = 32
   Difficulty = DifficultyNormal
   Id = MyObjectBuilder_PlanetGeneratorDefinition/Kepler-1649c
   DisplayNameEnum = <null>
   DescriptionEnum = <null>
   DisplayNameString = <null>
   DescriptionString = <null>
   DescriptionArgs = <null>
   Icons = <null>
   Enabled = True
   Public = True
   AvailableInSurvival = True
   Context = VRage.Game.MyModContext
   DLCs = <null>
   DisplayNameText = <null>
   DescriptionText = <null>
 UserCreated: False
 InitializeComponents: False
2022-02-09 21:32:37.891 - Thread:   1 ->  Warning: Server failed to update game inventory items.
2022-02-09 18:55:30.163 - Thread:   1 ->  Info: Planet generator name: Pertam
2022-02-09 18:55:30.164 - Thread:   1 ->  Info: Planet init values: Planet init arguments: 
Storage name: Pertam-12345d120000
 Storage: Sandbox.Engine.Voxels.MyOctreeStorage
 PositionMinCorner: X:-10015450 Y:-235408 Z:2297550
 Radius: 0
 AtmosphereRadius: 122500
 MaxRadius: 0
 MinRadius: 0
 HasAtmosphere: True
 AtmosphereWavelengths: {X:0.65 Y:0.57 Z:0.475}
 GravityFalloff: 7
 MarkAreaEmpty: True
 AtmosphereSettings: VRageRender.Messages.MyAtmosphereSettings
 SurfaceGravity: 1.2
 AddGps: False
 SpherizeWithDistance: True
 Generator: MyObjectBuilder_PlanetGeneratorDefinition/Pertam
   EnvironmentId = <null>
   EnvironmentDefinition = MyObjectBuilder_ProceduralWorldEnvironment/Pertam
   HasAtmosphere = True
   CloudLayers = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[VRageRender.Messages.MyCloudLayerSettings]
   PlanetMaps = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaps
   HillParams = Range[-0.025, 0.025]
   MaterialsMaxDepth = Range[4000, 4000]
   MaterialsMinDepth = Range[20, 20]
   OreMappings = VRage.Game.MyPlanetOreMapping[]
   GravityFalloffPower = 7
   MapProvider = VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.MyObjectBuilder_PlanetTextureMapProvider
   HostileAtmosphereColorShift = VRage.Game.MyAtmosphereColorShift
   SurfaceMaterialTable = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialDefinition[]
   DistortionTable = VRage.Game.MyPlanetDistortionDefinition[]
   DefaultSurfaceMaterial = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialDefinition
   DefaultSubSurfaceMaterial = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialDefinition
   SoundRules = Sandbox.Definitions.MyPlanetEnvironmentalSoundRule[]
   MusicCategories = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[VRage.Game.MyMusicCategory]
   MaterialGroups = VRage.Game.MyPlanetMaterialGroup[]
   MaterialEnvironmentMappings = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Sandbox.Definitions.MyPlanetEnvironmentMapping]]]
   SurfaceGravity = 1.2

Replies (2)


Hello, BookBurner!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.

Firstly, is the world you are running for your server with mods at all? Any scripts? Is the world quite intense with other items? Grids etc? Or, fairly new?

Is it possible to see a full log from one of the users that have experienced the issue? I appreciate you've supplied some information but would be great to see the full log.

Ultimately, we will require some kind of reliable steps to report this internally if you're able to do this? :)

I appreciate the users have tried a couple of the below but may be worth trying things they have not done so yet

  • Right click on Space Engineers in Steam Library → Properties → Local Files → Verify Integrity of Game Files


  • Delete SpaceEngineers.cfg file
  • It means your game configuration will be deleted
  • You can access your SpaceEngineers.cfg by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.
  • Delete ShaderCache folder
  • Back up your whole Space Engineers Roaming folder and delete it
  • Restart Steam
  • Reinstall VC Redist 2017
  • Update graphic drivers
  • Reinstall the game
  • Make sure your operating system is fully updated

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department



Since there are no new comments in this topic and we are still not able to reproduce it,

we are closing this thread as outdated. In case anyone is encountering the same or similar bug, which is not already posted in a different thread, please feel free to create a new thread with all relevant information.

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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