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(Official Servers) Ability to increase PCU or categorical PCU

jumpingdoghead shared this feedback 2 years ago
Not Enough Votes

Currently, the PCU limit can feel limited on what can be created on official servers. Of course, building outrageously large creations should be avoided as well. That being said, I propose two solutions to this issue of feeling limited in gameplay.

1: The ability to increase the PCU limit (of course, a max cap limit) by purchasing from stations via contracts or space credits.

  • This will provide a goal for longer-term players and motivation for continuing to play by grinding for PCU.
  • Encourages the exploration and engineering aspects of Space Engineers.

2: PCU limits based on grid types.

  • Official servers are currently leaning to large grids and stations over small grids due to PCU limitations being much more advantageous for large grids. If there is an option to have separate branches of PCU separating between the grid types, it will allow players to diversify their creations.

This is merely a thought in mind and criticism is greatly appreciated.

Replies (3)


Option 1 on this post seems very interesting. Game changing basically, since you have a game that already compels players to work hard to make the things they want. It'd be taking that same concept even farther.


PCU aren't there for nothing. They are there to keep the gameworld and the builds included in that world reasonably operative on the servers available. Servers that are provided for FREE at the operator's cost and discretion. You should be grateful there are free servers at all.

You want more powerful servers with more PCU per player? See to providing them yourself, or find other servers to play on.

The grasp on reality of some people …


Dude good servers = more people buying the game to play with friends

more people buying the game and having fun with friends in common servers = more people buying dlcs


I am well aware of such effects. Still doesn't make those servers fall out of the sky for free.


I could mention some games that went from having 10,000 daily players to 200 daily players. That happened because of design decisions and business making decisions. I'm sure that those game makers thought just like you @andersenman. Forgetting this is not only a game, it's a business, and all successful businesses have a very strict customer satisfaction policy. @andersenman you are talking like if Keen was a small indie studio and defending it as if it needed defending. Keen is a big company now. It's spending a lot of its money on research and relying on the community to do the customer service work. Like if they were still small. This of course creates dissatisfaction that will eventually harm their business. What me and Jumpingdoghead are trying to do is giving ideas to help the satisfaction for the game grow, not the other way around. The grasp on the reality of people depends on their view of the facts, and clearly your not seen all the facts. Like Keen being one of most successful game makers of this and last decade, and still underfunding some of it's business' key platforms.


And I'm sure you have the numbers to back up your claims and or the insight into the internals of Keen's.

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