Multiple railguns - incorrect damage + weird damage against hangar doors

Mata52 shared this bug 3 years ago

I tested railguns when it comes to their damage. So far, I have not noticed any malfunctioning with a single railgun. It simply pierces everything (until it is stopped by something like multiple layers of heavy armour) in a line of one block. However, a problem arises when you try to shoot multiple railguns at once. For example, I put 15 railguns in a row and fired them at a ship and later on at a brick of armour. I recorded the ship part (youtube link in the bottom). In such a situation damage seems to be calculated completely incorrectly. Some entry holes are missing, some projectiles seem to do no damage, some seem to do correct damage and the rest are randomly phasing. It is better visible when firing multiple railguns at armour bricks, however, then it does not always occur with a reasonable number of railguns (like 15). Probably it is because of the game being unable to calculate damage that quick? Also, as mentioned in the title, I have noticed that hangar doors react exceptionally unstable and unpredictably to railgun fire.

Link to an example of shooting some ship with a group of railguns:ęd

Replies (1)


Hello, Mata!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues. I've watched your video and done a simple test myself (please see screenshot) from my test, the railgun pierces very well through the blocks without missing any areas or showing any obvious oddities. Could you please supply an un-modded save file where you're experiencing this and I could try to replicate it?

  • You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.
  • Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

With regards to the hangar doors that is currently awaiting a fix :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hello Laura, thank you for your answer.

I am attaching a test world, that I have just managed to replicate the issue on.

I saw your picture and tried doing the test once more in the attached world. I believe the issue is much less apparent when a station, not a ship, is your target. Your target and the shooting platform you placed the railguns on seem to be embedded in the ground, which most likely indicates that both of them are stations. In the attached world I placed a few heavy armor test walls in space and shot them with railguns. As long as they were stations, the damage system seemed quite reliable, although still not perfectly consistent. You can see the results yourself in my world, I tried to mark and describe them with the in-game lcd panels.

However, as soon as I made the same heavy armor wall a ship floating in space and then shot it; the damage was drastically altered, for the worse. If you want to replicate the issue, feel free to copy one of my test walls, at least some of them should not be maimed by railguns yet. Just remember to make sure that they are ships, not stations.

Thank you for your assistance :)


Hello, Mata52!

Thank you so much for the world save and information. I can see what you mean about the station/ship difference. I have successfully reproduced the issue and reported it internally :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Can we get an ETA on this? In battles with large frontsider ships with many railguns, this can single handedly decide a fight. Not good.


Once again, ETA please? This is an eggregious stain on PVP

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