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Sensor Blocks are triggered when I enter a Cockpit (Small Block Only)

Jack Tori shared this bug 3 years ago

So basically the small grid is acting as a player when you enter a cockpit and all sensor blocks get triggered. Doesn't matter how far you are as long as the sensor block and the cockpit block are on the same grid.

Added an image file to show a very simple test setup.

Replies (5)



Thank you for reporting this issue. We reproduced it and It will be forwarded to our dev team for investigation.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


same problem even on large grid, all sensors are triggered when I sit at the command seat of a ship and also the sensors on the base to which the ship is connected via connectors


same on my ship


Hello, Engineers!

I´m happy to announce that this issue is fixed in v200.027 hotfix!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Seems like my old world is still affected by it (vanilla no mods).

When I created a new world then I could see that the sensor blocks behave differently than before. It used to ignore the player when controlling a cockpit block even though the sensor area was big enough to see both the cockpit and the player. Now it still detects the player while they are controlling a cockpit block.

I added pictures of a setup that used to work but now doesn't because of the new behaviour. Idea was that I had lights turn on automatically when a player gets close and turn off if the leave or enter the seat.


You can disregard that first part where it still affects my old world as this is the same issue where the behavior changed (or is it a bug??) and still detects the player in the cockpit when it didn't before the 1.200 update. I would really appreciate it being reverted so I can still use 2 sensor blocks instead of 4 (or having to expose those sensors aka moving them to the outside just to make it work the same way)


Was this supposed to have been fixed? Because I am still experiencing this bug. Or is the fix only in new worlds, and old save files are bugged forever?

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