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Conveyor Rotations Still Bugged

JigBashMop shared this bug 2 years ago

When trying to rotate the conveyer tube and curved conveyer tube, the rotation controls are messed up when placing on a grid.

Specifically: INSERT rotates it 180 degrees left and right, but only when already at 0 or 180 degrees; DELETE rotates 90 degrees left, as intended; PAGE UP makes the rotation noise but does not appear to to anything; PAGE DOWN rotates 90 degrees right, as intended; HOME rotates 90 degrees left, but only if it is at 90 or 270 degrees; END rotates 90 degrees left, but only when it is at 90 or 270 degrees. (read right as clockwise, and left as counter-clockwise)

Which key does which changes depending on the orientation of the support block and the orientation of the character. No other blocks are affected, and it only happens when placing on a grid. Setting the placement mode to gravity-align produces a similar bug but with no rotation animation. Setting placement mode to grid-align functions as free-placement.

I submitted a bug report a while ago, but it was archived due to my use of mods. I've since reinstalled the games several times and removed all mods. The bug persists across all worlds, no matter what settings I use, and is particularly vexing because conveyors are more or less the one block where rotation actually MATTERS.

Failing a solution, could someone provide me with a directory of all SE files so I can manually delete all of them (Steam seems to miss some) and try another reinstall)?

Replies (2)


Sounds more like working as designed. Given how a conveyor pipe has only two valid attachment points it's not entirely without sense to restrict the available movement, so the observed behaviour is quite honestly the expected one.

Whether that restriction is necessary, given how the block would either not attach or would just be dropped as a new and separate grid upon placing if that restriction weren't in place is of course debatable but also less a bug than an oversight or a design decision (or lack thereof). After all, such restriction doesn't exist for the small-grid, small conveyors, straight or elbow, and the world is still rotating once every 24 h without plagues of flying rodents.


Except that placing a conveyor in a line is impossible. I wouldn't have submitted the report if it wasn't a problem.

I've also played SE on other machines and it is absolutely not "working as intended".


I get what you mean, but it's still just an effect of the rotation options constrained by the limits of attachment. If you enable the rotation hints and move around, you can observe how not only the place you're pointing at but also the angle, steep or shallow, at which you're looking at that place matters in the effects of the rotation keys.

The rotations you see are simply the closest-possible reorientations you can get under the limitations.



I understand you are trying to help. You are not.

You seem to be under the impression that I am new to the game. I am not.

I am familiar with the intended design of the game. I played this game regularly for several years prior to encountering the bug, and I have played on other machines since. This behavior is unique to my machine, and occurred spontaneously.


I don't care how long you have been playing. What mattered was that your description matched a reproducible behaviour, a behaviour that was received as inconsistent or incomplete, and that was described as broken. A behaviour that I complemented with data easily found in the base game, provided it is switched on, so that it may no longer look broken but merely as not as useful or elegant as it perhaps could be.

All I showed was that the behaviour was at least consistent. By all means feel free to continue to consider it as worthy of revision. After all, that aspect was never contested, not with a single word.


I cannot rotate clockwise. I cannot rotate along the x-axis. I cannot rotate along the y-axis. The controls listed by the rotation guide do not work.

All attempts to reproduce the behavior on another machine have failed. I have tried 5 different installations on 5 different machines. None match my own.


Hello, Engineers!


thanks for letting usk now. The issue was successfully reproduced and put into our internal system.


while you might be right on this one, it never hurts to let know about something that you "feel" is broken as a player. And from my side... I did wrote the bug to I see and have clear explanation from designers/programmes :)

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department



Yes, it was not my intention to imply that this should not have been reported, merely that, under the current implementation, this appears to be as expected (if perhaps not as elegant and intuitive one might wish for) and not necessarily broken in the sense of being broken.



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