Allow to config a light from within the block

Yowax shared this feedback 4 years ago

Adding a light and having to open the nearest terminal and searching through all the lights, having to test each of them is a hustle. You should be able to config a light as if it had a panel.

Replies (2)


You can set every functional block, including lights, in terminal to "show on HUD" and see it directly what light it is.


So, you have, like, 200 lights on your build, and you switch them all on to try and identify which one is which from the collapsed ball of text, and then there are duplicate numbers because there are multiple grids that count each added block separately, and then, and then, and then …

Light Block Improvements, 'nuff said.


If you are not on a restricted server, do yourself a favor and install the "Build Vision" mod. You can edit all blocks from a menu, right at the block. It is a LIFESAVER for things like Lights, Rotors, Pistons, which need you to 'move about' and see how the settings are affecting.

But, if you cannot do mods, or are against them ... good luck getting Keen to improve the interface for them in vanilla.


Also, this.

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