[187] Mods get corrupted

Digi shared this bug 6 years ago

Sometimes mods fail to download properly or something because we get:

2018-07-30 08:21:40.323 - Thread:   1 ->  MyLocalizationSessionComponent: Problem deserializing C:\Users\Digi\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Mods\435719931.sbm
System.IO.FileFormatException: File contains corrupted data.
   at MS.Internal.IO.Zip.ZipIOLocalFileBlock.Validate(String fileName, ZipIOCentralDirectoryBlock centralDir, ZipIOCentralDirectoryFileHeader centralDirFileHeader)
   at MS.Internal.IO.Zip.ZipIOLocalFileBlock.SeekableLoad(ZipIOBlockManager blockManager, String fileName)
   at MS.Internal.IO.Zip.ZipIOBlockManager.LoadLocalFileBlock(String zipFileName)
   at MS.Internal.IO.Zip.ZipArchive.GetFile(String zipFileName)
   at MS.Internal.IO.Zip.ZipArchive.GetFiles()
   at VRage.Compression.MyZipArchive.get_Files()
   at VRage.Compression.MyZipArchive..ctor(Object zipObject, String path)
   at VRage.Compression.MyZipArchive.OpenOnFile(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Boolean streaming)
   at VRage.FileSystem.MyZipFileProvider.TryGetZipArchive(String zipFile, String subpath)
   at VRage.FileSystem.MyZipFileProvider.<GetFiles>d__4.MoveNext()
   at VRage.Game.Components.Session.MyLocalizationSessionComponent.BeforeStart()

One big issue is that the error is silent, instead people see:


Which is really confusing.

Regardless, this has been an issue with mods since forever, I've asked a lot of people to delete their .sbm file because of download corruption... can we get this thing fixed already please?


Also I opened that 435719931.sbm from the error and it's actually not the mod it's supposed to be in it, it's a totally different mod!

It should be https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=435719931 but instead it's https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=510790477 and it's also not corrupted, I could open it and read files fine...

Replies (1)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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