Ship is drifting in Space, cant handle this ..

|ado| shared this feedback 4 years ago

Have this often and I'm not quite sure what it is. It occurs on all servers. My dream ship drifts in space at 20 m / s or sometimes less, the sum is variable ... You can switch off the engines after trying to brake, but the spaceship accelerates despite the engines being deactivated. The speed can no longer be controlled, neither does the ship. It always goes in a certain direction ... as when the ship is being pulled there ... that's how it feels. There are no influences far and wide, no gravi, no artificial mass. It doesn't matter whether the spaceship is powered or not ... Until now, only the following has helped: Restart. What is it and what can you do about it?

Replies (4)


my ship is drift on EU#1 now ...


This happened a lot when I played last year. I think it was some ownership issues, we had no permission to our own thrusters or something like that. Ship just kept flying in one direction. Sometimes problems started after docking with another ship


same for me. after this ticket not see again. forum was clear too

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