Powered static grid removed on Keen Server

Jonas Kruger shared this bug 4 years ago

We were playing on the Keen German Multiplayer Server #5, when suddenly a large portion of our base got suddenly deleted with no Player Interaction. The Grid was powered had multiple batteries and windturbines. The deletion of the blocks resulted in loss of power for the rest of the grid and the survivalkit got destroyed. Our medbay had lost power ,so after dying we couldnt respawn.

Dozens hours of work were destroyed by YOUR OWN SERVER OR YOUR OWN ADMINS.

This would be acceptable if this was a third-party-server, but this happening on YOUR OWN server is pretty unacceptable.

More information:

Server: Keen DE #5

Planet: Mars

Faction: FlamingoGang = DFG

Players: jokruger03[me], Wiz13ard, philipp.vaupel

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Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department

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