incorrect contextual music triggers

C4PTRAMPAGE shared this bug 4 years ago

when contextual music is enabled rapid, repeated placing of blocks, and rapid, repeated clicking with hand tools both trigger combat music to play.

Replies (1)



unfortunately, we are not able to reproduce your issue. When trying to reproduce it and using debug for checking type of music, there were only Earthlike and Building being switched.

Can you maybe specify more what exactly are you doing when this issue occurs? Do you use any mods on your game, or are you using vanilla? Did you try to Verify integrity of game files through Steam? Is this issue persistent also after closing and relaunching the game?

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


ok that confusion is my fault for not testing this more, with tools you need to spam click them on something in order for music change to happen, see the video below for a demonstration of the bug happening.

this is on a vanilla world with all of its settings on default


Hello once again, C4PTRAMPAGE,

thanks for showing it on video, it was a great help. This issue was successfully reproduced and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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