Still Free Energy .......

R-TEAM shared this bug 6 years ago

THis problem i have already reportet at begining of 2018 .... now month ago still not fixed ...

If i have an Grid and move it with the power of the batterys ... and the batterys get depleted ..

If i land and switch the landing gear OR the connector on or "on and then off again" - ALL batterys magical full again (as on the start of the Trip ..) .... this make "survival" practical an joke ....... have this on dedicated server in Atmosphere .. (dont know can this happen in space too ..)


Replies (3)


You should provide a blueprint or world and detailed steps to cause this, as I've tried it with the info you mentioned so far and battery did not magically recharge.

Also if you can replicate this in SP it'll make things easier to debug for devs.


Will make an Video ..... this happen nearly to all grids we have ATM in usage - not all time- but to ~75%..

All player have startet with the Atmo lander - and from 5 players have after landing and locking the gears, 4 again full batts ..

Then later as player have planes, my planes and from 2 other players, get most time after the flying - if i land it and lock landing gears, again batts full ...

One time it happen after landing and lock the gears - other time after lock/delock or after get out and then in Again on cockpit (planes all small grid) - have this happen with other grids too (but in different behavor ..) ->

I have an mining station with battery - come with my car and get the ores - refill the nearly depleted mining battery with my car batterys ..

After undocking (connector) - my batterys from the car remain drained, but the mining battery is back to the low level before filling ..

Looks for me an problem of peristence of the new values and errornous fall back to the earlyer values after an grid update (docking connector - landing gear lock ..)

"can" provide an world save file - but not publical ..


That sounds more like something a mod would cause...

Test one of those landers in a new SP world without mods and see if that still happens, if it does then link the blueprint (as it might also have changes on it from mods).


The lander is 100% vanilla, the vanilla Atmo Lander, with only 4 vanilla spotlights additionaly Attached ..

Have over 200mods, but can not think of any mod that can use this (refill batterys) ...

Have no mod that change power distribution/refill...


have uploaded an video ....

fly/hover over the ground ... drain the battery ..

Then land - schow the actual battery status ...

Than i schow all is "off" (thrusters/gyro/anything that can be set off ..) and again battery status ...

To this time all is like expected ...

Then i go out of the cockpit - go in again ..

BAM - Batterys full again (here i dont need to lock the landing gears ..)

Video :


With "over 200" mods, seems to me it's very likely one of them, or an interaction between them is causing this issue. May want to try recreating it on vanilla, or systematically eliminating mods to see if one (or more) of them is in fact the culprit.


nearly over 100 are from me, or modifyed from me ..

i "know" what ever mod is doing ...........................................................

So this is very unlikely ....


You're just making it harder for people to replicate the issue by not reducing the variables, 200 mods are a lot of variables.

I tried it several times and couldn't replicate it, it must be either the mods or something specific to your world.

Just test the vanilla lander with no mods in a new starsystem world, that'll remove a lot of variables.

Also try to simlify and be exact in explaining the steps you do with the lander.


I admire your Help Digi :)

i would share the world file with you over eMail (but not publicaly) - so you can test the world self ...

From the 206 mods exactly, 90% are block mods where cant doing this ...

The only fewscript mods are all Up-To-Date (not older than 6-8 month imho from memory) and none doing anything to energy refill/distribution ...

The are all well know mods (Drag+Heat/your wing mod/gas tanks and hyperdrive exploding/Tractor Beam/Energy Shields/Laser Door2.0/Hacking Computer 2.1 ....) and only work if at last one block build from this mod .. but as you see on the plane - only vanilla batterys, azimut cockpit, your wings,advanced Atmo thrusters, modded weapon and the Holo Radar mod is here ... all this mods is very unlikely that one refill in an second the battery ...

For this the battery block energy level musst be changed internaly ...

would be nice to found this bug, but i have realy not more time to invest in the search (espacialy i have this reportet long ago - before this time all have worked nice, with the same mods ..) - so i cant strip mods and test over and over ...

I dont say "it cant" that it is a mod related problem - but then it is a unknow side effect , as no mod that is in this world, should doing this .... And the problem show only on Flyable grids (aside the problem with the mining station battery that reset itself to an old state - maybe other related, as here it fills not self, and have this not testet the last month ..) and only in Atmo with Atmo thrusters ...

The steps with the lander are "easy" (but this have happen month ago as all actual player on the world already ..) -

Spawn with the lander and fly ~15-20min over the terrain and search an good Ice See ..

Then land here ...

Then after locking the landing gears, most player was confused , he have still full batterys ... (should nearly empty ..)

Only on have bad luck - he "have" empty batterys ...

As i sayd, i can send you an special prepared save file of the world, where a plane is ready for testing to fly ...



The time it took you to write that you could've tested the lander in vanilla :P

If you have discord, send it to Digi#9441 (or you can find me in keen's discord channel).


Have send you the file over discord ... hope it helps - regards


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