[1.197] Interactions blocked

Slushtrap Gamer shared this bug 4 years ago
Need More Information

After updating the server to the newest version, players were unable to interact with anything, be that getting into cockpits or opening doors (some even experienced being unable to place blocks). When looking at the server logs, the following can be found:

2020-12-04 15:04:32.333 - Thread: 1 -> Kick, Access MyCockpit.AttachPilotEvent

2020-12-04 15:04:48.631 - Thread: 1 -> was trying to cheat!

This is in total correlation to the observed events, and, is likely the cause of the bug. Basically the system is not showing names behind blocking a certain players actions for an unknown reason, and this way the player(s) are unable to interact with anything.

It has also been observed that people with this bug present are kicked out of their factions, as well as multiple player instances being created, which fills factions with duplicates of players that are essentially the one same player.

The only working solution so far has been to restart the server, which is very cumbersome.

Replies (8)


Note: this bug is repeated on the server known as rumor squad gaming


From a personal experience (unsure if this happens with anyone else), but after a reset and its fixed, next time you reconnect it does the SAME glitch. It's quite detrimental to our player count and is very annoying among all the players and staff in the server. Oh yeah, and the hotbar and GPS's are cleared as well.


mikpow8. charecter duplication. spontanious game crashes and the issues mentioned in previous comments columnate into a list of issues which at this late junction should not be happening. patching these glitches should be of the utmost priority in order to preserve the fanbase of space engineers which i myself love.


This bug seems to happen randomly upon joining the server. It has the following effects:

1. Duplicating the character

2. making characters unable interact with blocks

3. Forcing charcacters out of their own factions as if they were a new player.

4. When all members of a faction are affected, the faction still exists without members.

the only thing that seems to temporarily fix the issue is a server restart, which does not always work.


Every time I rejoin the server I can see two of my characters within the entity list. I also cannot access any doors, cockpits, etc... and I have to rejoin my faction every time, and re promote myself to leader every time.


Hello, Engineers!

Thanks for letting us know this issue. However, while I was testing it in all possible ways as written above... everything is still working for me. I can access cockpits, open doors, use tool... any type of interaction for both my characters on server.

Can you maybe share more info, e.g. share save of the server? Does this issue happen regularly or randomly? Is there anything that the players do on the server before it got broken? What does your server settings look like? Can you share it?

Is it happening on DS server, or on public? Basically, any more info you can come up with and share would be beneficial and great help.

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Saves.

Please zip the file with affecter server/world and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Thanks in advance for reply.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


The issue happens totally randomly; affecting random players and we can't spot any "pattern" that the bug follows. Recently we got a new host and a completely new world, and the 2nd day (the day this reply was made) the bug appears. The world is completely new with custom settings, i will provide those once i can upload them. As far as i know this only happens on dedicated servers, and primarily those that are rented.


However it would also appear, that the once the following error is displayed (cause unknown):

2021-01-13 07:54:48.009 - Thread:   1 ->     at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at Sandbox.Engine.Multiplayer.MyMultiplayerServerBase.ValidationFailed(UInt64 clientId, Boolean kick, String additionalInfo, Boolean stackTrace)
   at Sandbox.Game.Multiplayer.MyGpsCollection.OnAddGps(AddMsg msg)
   at Sandbox.Game.Multiplayer.MyGpsCollection.OnAddGps<>Sandbox_Game_Multiplayer_MyGpsCollection<>AddMsg.Invoke(IMyEventOwner& <static>, AddMsg& msg, DBNull& arg2, DBNull& arg3, DBNull& arg4, DBNull& arg5, DBNull& arg6)
   at VRage.Network.CallSite`7.Invoke(BitStream stream, Object obj, Boolean validate)
   at VRage.Network.MyReplicationLayer.Invoke(CallSite callSite, BitStream stream, Object obj, EndpointId source, MyClientStateBase clientState, Boolean validate)
   at VRage.Network.MyReplicationServer.OnEvent(MyPacketDataBitStreamBase data, CallSite site, Object obj, IMyNetObject sendAs, Nullable`1 position, EndpointId source)
   at VRage.Network.MyReplicationLayer.OnEvent(MyPacketDataBitStreamBase data, NetworkId networkId, NetworkId blockedNetId, UInt32 eventId, EndpointId sender, Nullable`1 position)
   at VRage.Network.MyReplicationLayer.ProcessEvent(MyPacketDataBitStreamBase data, EndpointId sender)
   at VRage.Network.MyReplicationLayer.OnEvent(MyPacket packet)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Multiplayer.MyTransportLayer.ProcessMessage(MyPacket p)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Multiplayer.MyTransportLayer.HandleMessage(MyPacket p)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyReceiveQueue.Process(NetworkMessageDelegate handler)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyNetworkReader.Process()
   at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update()
   at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal()
   at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame()
   at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.FixedLoop.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<Run>b__0()
   at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.GenericLoop.Run(VoidAction tickCallback)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunLoop()
   at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen)
   at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer.RunInternal(String instanceName)
   at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer.RunMain(String instanceName, String customPath, Boolean isService, Boolean showConsole, Boolean checkAlive)
   at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer.ProcessArgs(String[] args)
   at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer.Run(String[] args, Action`1 initializeServices)
   at SpaceEngineersDedicated.MyProgram.Main(String[] args)

The bug starts to surface, as the bug wasnt observed before this error was displayed.


Hello, Slushtrap Gamer,

it this server still on? Can I maybe join there and try to reproduce it on my own? If yes, can you share the name of the server or the "Direct connect" IP? That would probably be the best solution, so I can reproduce it and see it in order to investigate :)

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


The server is still up, we are still experiencing the bug, and we get almost one person bugged daily. As for the ip, try: steam://connect/


Hello, Slushtrap Gamer,

so I was trying it today on the server you provided but everything was working fine. Well, I was kicked out of the server two times, but with the message "Connection problems" so I take it this was not the issue. Upon reconnecting, I was able to use all objects flawlessly. So no luck so far, just want to let you know I´m testing the issue and I did not abandon it.

I saw quite big number of players duplicates in factions as members. You think this issue might be connected to factions only? Are you having any special settings for factions on this server?

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


No, but the multiple player instances in the factions are a byproduct of the bug. People in a bugged state start to duplicate if they rejoin, leaving behind multiple instances and when they rejoin a faction each time we can get multiple people of the same name in the same faction. As for any special settings, none that come to mind.


On that note if we could arrange a time when both of us can be on the server it would be excellent, in order to test a few things that could potentially trigger this bug.


It would appear we have found a potential trigger to the bug: removing offline players. This is not 100% confirmed, but it seems that so long as the offline characters are not removed the bug does not present itself.


Bug is still present in the current version of the game (1.199.025), the same cause being the removal of offline players.


Hello, Engineers!

It´s already quite long time from when this issue was originally posted as well as from the last comment.

Are you still experiencing it? Or was it fixed in the meantime.

Thanks in advance for confirming me current situation.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


The bug has been mostly dormant due to known workarounds, but it is indeed still observable in the current version (1.201.013).

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