[1.192.022] Laser antennas connection bug

Mario Jakobsen shared this bug 5 years ago

Hey there,

we're currently playing with a small group on a dedicated server and found the following bug.

If we build two laser antennas (for example one on mars and the one outside of the mars atmosphere) they can connect easily, but you can't access the terminal / remote control from the other side.

A restart fixed this problem, but when you establish a new connection you'll have the same bug again.

Hopefully I can help with my report.

Replies (1)


Fixed in v192.1.


No, not fixed at all.

Issue still exists. Laser antenna connection established but the remote grid does not appear in the grid menu. This issue occurs on all instances: DS, official servers, solo play.


Just happaned to me in multiplayer survival


Hello, TTT44!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. The main thread for this is https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/pc/topic/laser-antenna-connection-issues where my colleague has reproduced an issue that is reported and awaiting a fix. Could you please take a look and reply in that thread as this one is marked as solved? :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department

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