[1.188.023] Audio and Pressurization Bugs Far From Origin

Matt shared this bug 6 years ago

When extremely far from the server origin (Example GPS Coordinate: GPS:Alatreon #1:972567462.4:-1036283806.74:251104784.69:) Any combination of a working reactor, cockpit, thruster, and gyro on a small grid seems to result in audio blanking out when near the grid.

The air pressurization system also seems to have difficulty calculating pressure. We tested with a one block large room pressurized by a single air vent and it required ~65% of an oxygen tank's capacity to pressurize. It also took several minutes to complete this task. Server sim speed remained at 1.02 the entire time. The remainder of the ship had spotty pressurization, treating some areas as sealed and others as not even though they were in the same room.

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Fixed in v188.1.


Bug is back again.

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