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[1.187] Custom NPC Factions Are Not Loading From Definitions

Meridius_IX shared this bug 6 years ago

I'm hoping that this is a bug and not an intentional change that came with the recent update.

Whenever a mod is loaded that uses a custom Factions.sbc file to add new NPC factions, it appears that these custom factions are not being added to the game.

Example Mod:

The custom faction in this mod does not load in a new world with the mod loaded. (faction tag is named CORRUPT, its not actually 'Corrupt')

It appears that the definitions are being loaded by the game though, I was able to create a temporary fix/mod that reads the definitions loaded from the Faction.sbc files and compares them against the factions currently loaded in the world - it adds any that are missing. With this, the factions can be created. Fixer mod link below:

With both mods loaded together, the NPC faction(s) will appear.

Let me know if you need any other details!

Replies (7)


Hello Meridius_IX,

I will talk to our dev and QA team to look at this.


It's worth noting that this issue goes beyond just adding new factions. Even with Meridius_IX's fix, the player is default admin of all factions and can edit / join / kick at will. This includes SPRT (can't join, but can kick the founder thereby killing the faction).

Edit: The issue is that in SP, the player is already admin of everything and can edit anything regarding factions. In MP, the server owner or any designated server admins can completely control any faction. NPC (mod) created factions should be excluded from any player control.


It's also worth noting that even with the fix the faction don't seem to spawn in my case only SPRT spawns and if something from another NPC faction spawns it will spawn as SPRT. for example it is making civilian ships hostile.


Hello, I can confirm that this issue does indeed happen. Bear in mind that servers with block limits set to Per Faction mode also have to have the maximum amount of factions increased accordingly when playing with mods that add custom factions.

Anyway, the faction is not created as default, I will file it as a potential bug.

@Thraxus Admins are admins, they can do everything and anything, without the right to modify factions they would lose a big potential in curating the servers they are on. Promotion to admin status should not be taken lightly. If you do not want people to modify factions then do not promote them to admin and use the lower ranks where applicable.


@V01t45 I agree that admins are admins. However, for a single player survival game, it doesn't make much sense to have this ability active innately. You can't cut and paste blueprints without turning on admin tools, so why have this setting enabled without doing the same? A single player experience doesn't guarantee the person wants to be able to accidentally do harm to their game because they have an ability they didn't know was enabled.

As for servers though, I agree to a point. Having control of player factions makes sense. Having control of mod / game created factions doesn't (such as SPRT - you can kill them off completely). It just opens the door for exploitation that shouldn't be part of the intended experience (and potential, unintended, crashes / errors).


Fixed in minor update 187.1


Awesome, thanks a bunch!

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