Repair Contracts - Cannot complete

z64555 shared this bug 21 months ago
Need More Information

I saw a few other tickets of similar nature, but it appeared that they had been closed already without conclusion.

When attempting to complete a repair contract with an NPC faction on multiplayer (Keen's NA #4 server is where I first encountered this), the object the contract instructs you to repair will accept parts welded onto its blocks, but the blocks will not restore health above the functional percentage. This time it included all blocks that needed repair -- solar panels, armor blocks, antenna block, battery blocks, and remote control blocks. Attempting to grind down the block to "reset" it will likely just destroy the block and cause the object to self-destruct, losing rep with the issuing faction.

I got the contract from a faction out in the fringe, roughly 33Mm from the Earthlike, after making a Hauling run to their station, so I'm wondering if the bug may be reputation related.

Replies (2)


Hello, engineer!

Thank you for writing to us.

Could you kindly share further information about this issue?

Did you have any other contracts active/pending when the issue happened?

Did you experience the same issue on other Keen servers as well?

Despite having all the required components in your inventory, did the repaired grid/block fail to weld up above the functional level?

Could you provide any specific details about the situation in which this issue occurred? It would also be helpful if you could share any reproduction steps that would allow us to replicate the issue on our end.

Also, did you experience any similar issues with completing other types of contracts as well?

Kindly send us a screen recording/video showing this issue happening at your end.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Q: Did you have any other contracts active/pending when the issue happened?

A: I did not have any other contracts active or pending at the same time as the bugged repair contract.

Q: Did you experience the same issue on other Keen servers as well?

A: I haven't played on other keen servers as much, preferring to invest most of my time on one server. I may be able to test if the issue occurs on other servers but it would require a significant time investment to get a suitable ship to visit the various fringe stations.

Q: Despite having all the required components in your inventory, did the repaired grid/block fail to weld up above the functional level?

A: Correct, this is the core nature of the bug being reported. I'm now wondering if the hack level logic may be a contributor to the issue.

Q: Could you provide any specific details about the situation in which this issue occurred? It would also be helpful if you could share any reproduction steps that would allow us to replicate the issue on our end.

A: I'm not entirely sure which details would be relevant. I can grab the GPS coordinates of a waypoint on the station that issued the bugged contract next time I am able to get online, hopefully within a day of this posting. The object to be repaired was a satellite-like ship with 2 solar panel wings of 2 solar panel blocks each, 2 batteries, a remote control block, and I believe it was reddish in hue. It spawned in a relatively clear space around 7km away from the issuing station, with a few asteroid clusters off in the distance.

As far as the reproduction steps its really as straight forward as "Accept contract, hop on ship, go to waypoint marker, try to complete contract." I did have to fabricate parts from my ship in order to repair the satellite, as the contract did not give me any parts nor did it mention that it would do so. I was low on materials, so I needed to disassemble some other parts I had in cargo to be able to assemble the components required to repair.

Q: Did you experience any similar issues with completing other types of contracts as well?

A: I have not encountered issues with Acquisition, Hauling, or Search contracts. The other contract types I haven't played with yet.

Q: Kindly send us a screen recording/video showing this issue happening at your end.

A: That's essentially asking me to reproduce the issue once more and document it happening. I may be able to do this, but I'll have to rebuild my ship and install more jump drives to make the transit from my outpost on the Earthlike to something more reasonable... which will take some time.


Update: The GPS coordinates of the station in question are GPS:RTCT - Station:11680381.57:7076913.43:-22451628.85:#FF75AEF1:

Faction is the Righteous Cartel, (RTCT).


Well, Some Things Happened, and I'm still working my way back out to the cartel station. Hopefully will be able to get there this week.


All right! Finally managed to get to the RTCT station and was able to reproduce the bug.

This time I did have multiple contracts active, but it was from a different faction.

This time I was also in a "proper" faction instead of the default unaffiliated.

I was able to complete the repair contract this time by using the welder blocks on my ship. I had tested all of the hand-welders and the bug had occurred with each of them -- unable to weld above the functional line despite having all parts present.

I've attached several screenshots that may be of interest.

2724 is the contracts list, showing which contract I had accepted.

2733 is the faction I took the contract with

2749 is my faction that I am in. (Censored enemy raider faction name as a courtesy)

3125 is the satellite I was tasked to repair

3133 and 3358 are the before/after of an oxygen tank I attempted to repair. 3358 also shows the maximum health I could repair using the Elite welder.

3547 and 3947 show a before/after of a 2x1x1 armor base with the same tool and situation.

2806 and 3113 show a comparison of repair of an oxygen farm using the Elite welder and the Standard welder. I was able to get more of the oxygen farm repaired with the Standard.

2557 shows the ship I used to do the block welder tests. As mentioned before, the block welders actually could do the full repair, while the welder tools could only go to below the functional line


I have this too as do many others. I've been trying to track down why it happens. For my part I started the job with a smallgrid welder and thought that might be why it wouldn't let me use my hand welder later. I also used a grinder to try to search deeper for issues but it counted as a faction attack so I had to stop. here's a pic of me using a stupid mod to walk my welder inside to fix the internal block.

Pic of repair mod done to try to get inside to find anything else to repair. Gone over entire ship with active welders x 2 ----> nothing left to fix. Still open.

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