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The need to create and the physics shape limit

Alex shared this feedback 2 years ago
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Who from the SE community does not know these simple words, used for promoting it as a quasi Minecraft in space but with actual moving stuff and spaceships.

October this years the game will celebrate 10 years in the wild on steam. A lot has changed, a lot was broken, a lot was fixed and then there were planets.

But there is onething that is there since day 1 of the game, a limit that is breaking the promise to create the spaceships or your dreams, the physics shape limit. Now there are plans to even add water to the game, which like planets propably gonna make it unusable for quite some time. It is a nice feature for sure, but not really one that will advance the need to create as this will at one point or another run into the 16bit limit of the 65535 physics shaped the single grid will allow. In the past it was already worked around that by making sure the game does not crash if you go over it, but the warning is just a bandaid.

Havoc the base of the SE Physics propably does in newer versions still not support more than the famous 16bit shapes limit, but planets already have a workaround for that. So pretty pretty please could we get something that fulfills the promises of this sandbox promoted as the playground for the ones with the need to create. The workshop already shows some amazing works that seem to be cramping everything into a ship to avoid getting somewhere close to the PhysicsSpahe limit resulting in super small one block corridors or even rooms where you will just run into each other. These creations works as an example for how much an improvement would be needed for this. It is just so unbelievable frustrating when you go into creative mode and start building and have the shape of the ship, but in the middle of filling it with interior you get the warning that any new block will result in issues.

I understand the game is not making the same revenues as before that is why it got to xbox and now playstation but the bulk of players are still on pc and provide lifesupport. I pay upfront for a SE2 if it will finally give me the freedom to create the spaceship that can make use of space and all the fancy blocks that we now have as decoration and with functionality, seriously i pay it upfront, but an major update to work around the limit would be worth the fullprice again already. So please free the welders.

Thanks for the time and attention to read this feedback.

Replies (5)


I never understand why people with HI-end PC want to build 1 000 000 block ships and then spawn them on server with 8 players and their 100 block ships.

Limits are on purpose. You stress your PC for none reason as subrgrids that are behind wall are not rendered == more Sim Speed.

As mapper for Source Engine and Unity i can tell you that Occulsion culling is mostly used to simplify scene you are see.

You not really NEED 1 000 000 block ship.

Without LOD (level of detail) control and Occulsion culling your PC cannot handle even Mario 3D.

Before you write wall of text, please make some exploration about how games are made and also consideration that not every one have HI-end PC.


Games are made for mid-range PC for MONEY and SE have other problems now like "Ships falling trough block/planet bug".


The PS Limit is not on purpose it is a relic of super old tech stacks. PS limit is something that is over 10 years old and result of super limited old havoc engine. it could not even handle planets that is why it took long time to work around that.

Also the assumption that i go build my stuff and spawn it randomly is pretty wild. I like SE because it gives me the freedom to create, just as the slogan says.

Just because you do not need a 1m block ship does not mean that others don't need it.

SE is already using somekind of chunck culling system and a lot of LoD stuff but that does not change a thing about not beeing able to just build stuff. This is a sandbox and so limits are not really there on purpose.

I am a developer myself for unity and java engine games, so I know about outdated techstacks.


We need a new, modern engine and a complete rework of the game.

Other houses put out new game titles every couple years.

Games that are built for the long haul, like warthunder etc, get frequent updates and improvements.

SE gets neither, not a sequel and extremely rare updates.

Even bug fixes take many years to materialise.

I honestly think there are only 2-3 people working on SE, and others in Keen house are working on other projects. Hopefully one of those is SE2 and it would be releasing soon.

But since they dont even have a simplest of simple roadmaps or any publicaly known plans thats all just guessing.

Honestly, the whole experience with Keen is a dissapointing one.


Ok that is quite harsh but ok if it shows your perspective.

I would like the devs to take a look at this image, i know there is currently an optimization in place when the world is loaded or small enough to be at runtime which combines regular blocks into single shapes as long as it works.

But could we pls get this also for the slopes as they are in the example just the same amount of blocks, but will explode the shapes limit.


1. "The PS Limit is not on purpose it is a relic of super old tech stacks"

2. "But could we pls get this also for the slopes as they are in the example just the same amount of blocks, but will explode the shapes limit."

You just show me how you not understand this. Maybe you just trolling here so your post be spotted by devs. They see every post.


1. Again, limits are on purpose and even hardcoded in your GPU like Pixel shader 4 or max texture size. :)

Unity == polygon count ideal range is about 1500 to 4000. You may need to reduce the polygon count per mesh if the game has lots of characters on screen at any given time. Ohh nooo a LIMIT in Unity :O

2. Slopes explode in the shapes limit as THEY ARE RENDERED WITH ALL FACES.

SE have System for basic Armor Cube that ignore faces that touch together so you see only faces that are exposed to air /camera.

In early days of SE Armor Cube was rendered with all 6 faces == small 100 block ship give you 9-11 FPS.

That system is copy pasta that Minecraft use to render only visible faces and NOT whole Cube.

NO they will not do this for "shapes" as it is time consuming and literally useless as LOD (level of detail) render all blocks as BOX/CUBE.

Ships at some distance are just BOXes man....

Lastly you requesting something that really 1-2% users want.

People want Water on planets and NPC with not 1D10T AI SE have.


Ah ok so you know what is right and what not and what has to be done and what not and basiclly just everything ok :)

So as someone with experience in unity as you say, you should know that rendering is not the same as physics stuff right? An invisible aka not rendered object can still get raycasted against. Ah so you say it is impossible to extend the system to check for actully visibile polygos not to the sides of a slope? i bet that is then an totally wanted and planned limit right.

Can not understand that you write all these topics while everything is just a wanted limit, but awesome to know you speak for just about everyone with that, thanks.


You just showing me more stuff you not know man.

Armor Cubes are like primitive virtual 3D mesh with that system. Compared to Slopes (Shapes), they are just imported static 3D mesh that cannot disable faces.

SE not have system for 3D model Occlusion culling and manage collision mesh like Armor cube does.

Minecraft use only cubes as with that, you can easy disable cube faces rendered and also disable Collision model faces.

That is why you can make HUGE stuff. :)

Armor Cube have "Collision mesh" dynamic as it change based on what faces are exposed to AIR/Space

3D mesh (Interior Wall) have pre-compiled Collision mesh by geometry primitives with Havok content tools.

Fun fact is that if you not supply your fancy collision mesh to SE model builder == it will give you almost same as armor cube have.


You can easy hit shapes limit with just (Interior Wall) block as that is exactly imported 3D mesh with static 6 face collision mesh that not change based on what face it touch.

Only blocks that are "Cheap" on shapes limit are ARMOR CUBE.

If You were Smart as you say before then you will know that you can avoid that limit by making your own MODS.

I Seen many mods that just make cube 2-3 times larger with basic cube Collision mesh just scaled UP.

Yeah the cube is bigger than your whole hangar but shape cost is like 1 armor cube (all faces).

In raster images you not need 1000 red dots when you can just fill that area with full red.

SO you are free to do Mod that add 1x1x1000 long wall that have shapes cost as 1 Armor Block.

Only bug will be that if you damage that huge wall it will be deleted.

Lastly most of Valve games (Half-life/ garrys mod....) use old Havok and nobody give a F about engine limits.

If you cannot have fun with what you have you will not have fun even with 1 000 000 block ship


As a fan of limits you might share a bit of your seamingly endless wisdow with us stupid rest of the world. IF the limits are so on purpose and intended, tell us why is a limit in physicsshape/blocks not wanted but at an limited ai? or is it the otherway around i am just so confused?

Yeah great idea lets make a mod that contains about just every possible sizes and lengths or ramps/slops rather than fix this missing culling.

You do not know procedural mesh generation for physics collider because it is closests to primitives? But I expect you just have an answer for just everything, especially it is something you do not want.


Oh and i almost forgot

SE have unique ability to split ship by subgrids.

Subgrid == new piece of paper

Subgrids behind wall are not rendered and not simulated.

You can build even huge Death Star if you KNOW HOW :)

Personally i build base large as Black Mesa from game Half-life without hitting "shapes limit"


As i say before, you are that tiny 0.1% of players that want something that has 0 impact on gameplay. :)

People want Water simulation

In-game MES (Modular Encounter System) based on that popular MOD.

People also want AI that not just go towards you like sheep with gun strapped to back and shoot when you are in 10m range.

People want better survival systems IN.

Many Youtube videos say that SE is BORING as you can only

1. mine

2. build

3. fly

4. crash

and repeat.

Economics are in SE as some YT celebity say that "SE is Just broken LEGO simulator" and not Space SIM with basic systems.


I do not know man, but i will like to run SE on any PC rig i can find and not need NASA Super computer to just build Millennium Falcon.

For example

Game like AVORION is capable to run even on Rasberry PI 4 and that IS a Space SIM.


No man they will not change that limit as

1. they need players

most important

2 THEY NEED EARN MONEY and more people can play SE = better

SE runs like Sh**t with 1 000 000 block ships anyway.

Have a nice day


Ah now i get even more a perspective where you are comming from.

Tell me was SE ever really advertised as a space sim or as a Lego Simulator in space?

For me it runs pretty great with 1 mio blocks but then it is just pure armor because it is impossible to shape it or fill it with life due to shapes limit.

And if everything is just nasa supercomputer when it is not thridworld and 15 year old hardware then i have really nothing to wonder anymore about you and your argument.

The famous youtuber you like to quote also said just recently, "ppl see what is possible in the game and how great it can look but at the moment they get into the game and realise it is just not capable of any thing really they immediatly leave" just because stuff is popular at a certain youtuber means it is what ppl need or want.

17k player active in game at steam at peak at last release of dlc, just imagine how many ppl bought the game within 10 years and just left and don't return because you can not really do as what it was sold, a thing to be creative.

SE is and never was advertised and sold as the mega uber super duper awesome space sim, but just as the game where you can live the need to create.

AS long as you can not have what you want to have fun, nobody can have fun, i get it, thanks for the enlightenment.

Have a nice start into the work week :)


Thank you for showing me how "spoiled brat" you are. :)

I had SE before they added rotors and pistons but ok I go send direct e-mail main dev that some "Alex" want to remove something that is basically hard coded in engine / technology they use.

I can say they will add AI blocks and for code complexity they may limit SE even MORE so you can cry a lot.

They never planned to add LCDs in cockpits but little push from someone i know helped :)

Also SE was never made for huge builds and they never say you can build unlimited ship, but you clearly not understand this.

You not understand even basics in creating content as you cannot adopt to rules game/engine have.

SE allow you to build stuff just not the way YOU WANT IT.

You just bash to table like child as you cannot add blocks until you PC runs at 1FPS.

How pathetic... :)


So sorry that actual game developers can afford to buy hardware from current century :D

Nice attempt to go off like little mafia boss because i know this or that oh boy.

We see again when it is something you want it is not an limit on purpose but if other would like it no then it is solid set in stone.

Constantly demanding more ai even it was clearly not there in the beginning. I had SE from day two, so what, not argument in any regards. but yeah go on and on and on, you represent the 3.5mio buyers of the game for sure.


*walks in*

Hey. Hi. I used to play Space Engineers. I love the prospect of building a massive mining ship and eating asteroids. It was very fun. What was not fun was when my ship bugged out and exploded against someones elses ship. Hours of work gone in a second because of... bugs.

Stopped playing because of those bugs. My friends stopped playing because of those bugs. Know why my friends have not come back the game? Because of the bugs. Because of the limitations on our creativity.

I started "playing before pistons" too. Who cares who started playing when? The game has limitations due to its old code and is not reaching its full potential because of that. Space Engineers were getting update after update with new content and old content was never being bug fixed... and when one bug was fixed several glaring ones appeared.

So, why have I returned from not touching Space Engineers for years? To see if the issues that have kept me away from the game have been fixed. Have they? Apparently not. :-/

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