Remote control auto pilot wheel steering

Ryukki shared this feedback 6 years ago

So I recently figure out how to use wheel propulsion I was very happy making a rover go driverless without using thrusters override until I saw it can't turn. There are a few tricks like making the wheels friction low but that makes it hard to drive uphill. If we could get driverless rovers to control wheel steering too ((doesn't have to be perfect)) I feel like it could lead up to some interesting creations and "NPCs". So far with mine I setup random GPS points in the desert and they drift around.

Also about NPCs can we get copy paste fix for them too?

Replies (4)


Why can it not turn? Steering override is a thing btw.

steering and propulsion override is however very weird in that it does't turn all wheels forwardsm but some of them backwards for some reason. Same goes for steering override, where random wheels will steer in the wrong direction. This can be "fixed" by manually inverting the respective wheel properties.


I want them to automatically steer towards a GPS not be stuck going 1 direction.

I got propulsion to work easily. Make sure to put left wheels on one side and right wheels on the other. Group each side than build a jacklift so you can watch how the wheels spin than mess with the propulsion so it spins slowly and figure out which direction they go. I feel like if remote controls can control steering you could build patrolling rovers and modders could even build npcs that drive around. Instead of doing the set wheel friction to 0 and lots of gryos which looks odd and unstable for going around hills and more like bumper cars.


You can write a script, that can control the wheels. I have done one before that dynamically chases another vehicle around at a safe distance. It essentially uses the other car's coordinates to figure out its distance and and angle to determine how it should accelerate and turn. I'm sure with a bit of work I could make it follow GPS points as well. It's a bit gittery, because I use a constant propulsion override and adjust the power and invert property to adjust the speed. It's a bit weird but I really couldn't find another way.

If you want to try a script, I could send you my script and let you do the figuring out about how to get GPS coordination to work for it 😁 should be quite easy actually. 🙄


Its funny you say that. I seen a PVE mod that has dropships that carry various land vehicles cars,tanks, and mechs. The rovers they drop actually have someway of driving like a normal rover instead of skidding around. I use to make custom npcs but due to the recent updates I can't test them ingame anymore because of ownership swaps to you when you paste a pirate drone. I saw this after I made this post but I still think it would be a nice thing to have.


I look forward to them implementing this, then cheesing it as a way to improve mob pathing ala Wolves on rollerscates.


IDK if it's still relevant, but i have a script with autopilot and cruise control functionality for wheels. It's called 'DAS - Driver Assisting System'.


Eh, I already have a script. I saying that auto pilot should be able to use wheels just like just like those scripts have shown. I mainly want this because I been working on npcs with keens new drone AI which DON'T need a program block to function which makes fighting them way more fun because how durable they are. Even if a server runs without scripts turn off these npcs will still function while the outdated 2015 ones sit in place.

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