station broadcasting overrided by small grid ship docked on it

Ad Astra Gaming shared this bug 4 years ago

As mentioned in the subject, it's happening only to a station (on the moon).

The station works as intended and via it's antenna dish it's accessible via terminal with broadcasting @50km distance. The problem is that when I dock with a small grid ship, on the terminal the name of the station is overrided by the name of the small grid ship. Both are accessible via broadcasting if undocked but once the ship dock, the station entity that should be > of the small grid ship looses it's name and is replaced by the docked ship. Everything belongs to me and my faction, the world save is survival-offline and quite totally vanilla, no mods except increased range for ore and no edges mod. Scripts are ennabled but I'm using just 4 (LCD2, Isys sorting items, Isys solar rotors, and PAM for the drones but I dind't found any issue until now).

The bug is not gamebreaking ofc, but it's annoying and makes confusion.

Replies (2)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I believe the current system uses the grid with the largest number of blocks to determine the name to use for the combined grids in the remote access menu. Since small grid ships tend to have more detail (and therefore more blocks) than large grid stations, they often take priority unless the station is quite large.

Perhaps a solution would be to adjust the calculation so that large blocks count as equivalent to several small blocks to make stations more likely to take priority? Or ideally, show both grids as separate entries in the remote access list if the grids are only connected via a connector, to allow access to both station and docked ship.


There was another thread with this same issue here that received some attention. Unfortunately it seems like the only issue that was resolved was that the connected grids are separate entities in the admin list, and not in the terminal proper. I feel like this issue, since it's archived in that thread, and "outdated" in this one, is not one that will be explored further. Which is frustrating because your suggestion would probably resolve most issues. I would have also thought that a manual priority system would have been helpful. So essentially a list of connected grids/sub-grids where you can reorder their weight as far as whether or not they should be listed on the control panel, and maybe with a "keep at top" option for bases.

I've got a bit of a programming background myself. And while I don't know the specifics of SE and how it was programmed, it certainly seems like something that should be pretty simple to implement. In the mean time, I'm going to look into using programming blocks to get around the issue. I don't know much about them, nor have I ever programmed in C#, but if I come up with a workaround, I will post it here.

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