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Jump drives broken after update

Katti Koskinen shared this bug 3 years ago

Jump drive says cannot jump into natural gravity field regardless of jump target.

Replies (17)



Thank you for reporting the issue. I wasn't able to reproduce it. Could you please provide a world with the affected grid and necessary steps to reproduce?

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Tested a bit more and found that the problem was a nearby planet blocking the jump despite P-gravity reading 0.


I had the same issue after flying my ship into space and attempting to do a blind jump. The issue appeared to be fixed after making any GPS waypoints, but with a fresh save and no mods as well as no waypoints at all I was getting the error "cannot jump into natural gravity field" even when trying to blind jump into deep space. Hopefully that helps to reproduce the issue.


Yeah, happened to me too. The starting point seems to be the issue, not the destination. This happened to me in a modded save but it's reassuring to hear t happens in vanilla too, maybe it'll get fixed soon.


I believe the game assumes the gravity field is larger than it actually is, seeing as a 120 diameter trition required a player to be almost 150 km from the core to be able to jump.


To the devs; this only happens near planets and not completely randomly.


Same here, I'm near the earth around 120/130km and not able to Jump because natural gravity field


I've had the issue as well. I tried blind jumps into deep space while in zero g and still no luck, tried removing the drives with creative and replacing them, tried deleting and respawning the ship, tried making new gps marks and tried using beacons for targeting. I tried creating a new survival world still no change however I did create a empty void world (no planets at all) and then was able to jump.


I can confirm that this only seems to happen when I’m somewhat close to a planet, but not quite close enough that natural gravity actually affects my ship directly. I’m unsure exactly how far this extends, but it does seem like the Jump drives assume the natural gravity well of the Earthlike planet is larger than it actually is. My main base near the Earthlike planet is far enough away that jump drives work with no issue, but some of my mining coordinates are close enough to the gravity well to trigger the bug. My save is modded and was made in a previous update.


I did some testing to see how far you have to be from a planet for the bug not to kick in. The upper limit is around 150 km for a 120 km diameter planet, while the lower limit is roughly 17.5 km for a 19 km planet, the rest are somewhere between these two numbers depending on how large the planet may be.


Not sure bc didn't test much, but it seems the bug only happens when jumping away from near a planet, I think I can jump as close to planets as before the update.


Happened to me few times on official servers. Its totally random and difficult to reproduce.


I have a very similar if not the same bug

I built the jumpdrive on the planet (was the vanilla earth planet) and recharged there then launch into space. I moved away from the gravity well ( i was in 0 G but unsure how far away from it I was) and tried to jump away it would give me that message.

I was able to fix it by grinding it down under the hack line (the model reverted back to the in-construction model) and weld it back up again. Then i could jump from the same place

you can see it happening in Kanajashi and splitsie race to mars videos :

Kanajashi video : if you go to about 4:17:00 to 4:30:00 time mark you will see it happening to him and it happened later to splitsie


Same issue for me. Even after game restarts, complete replacement, and everything else I could think of, the jump drives will not function.


Hello, everyone!

Thank you for your reports. I reproduced this issue and reported it to our internal system. It should be addressed as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House, QA Department


Can you please provide an update on this issue? This is impacting a very important part of game play.


Please, it has been a while, jump drives are a one of the most important parts of the game, will you fix it soon?


Hello, Engineers!

This issue has been fixed in the recent hotfix v200.029

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department

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