Higher than top speed thru rotation

error 404 shared this feedback 3 years ago

Build a tower, just so the whole experiment is off the ground so you dont hit anythingh.

On top of the tower put a rotor. On top of a rotor build a horizontal arm, in my case it was 400 blocks long.

On the end place a couple of atmo thrusters, perpendicular to the arm you built, so they can provide propulsion in the direction the rotor rotates. If you build with conveyor blocks you can use hydrogen. Also place a control station or a cockpit.

Set the rotor torque to 0 and thrusters to full power override.

Woila, now you can achive a speed of 1067 m/s wich is over mach 3 lol.

Have some fun :D

Replies (4)


And what do you expect Keen to do with this feedback? Do you want them to limit rotor speed to travelspeed regardless the rotors propulsion? Perhaps it would have been better to make a youtube video about this experiment. It seems pretty misplaced here in my opinion.


"And what do you expect Keen to do with this feedback?"

Nothingh realy, based on previous experience of my own and of others.

Just mark it as not a bug or somethingh ealse, delete it or just ban me to get rid of the issue the easy way.


Why should they change it? The travelspeed is in place to prevent the game to cause blockrender problems when the player moves faster than the game can streamload the world. But a rotor moves around its own axis only does not need to load anything thats not loaded when the rotor stood still no matter how fast it rotates.

Unless the rotor is hundreds of blocks long... but even then blocks will be unloaded as fast as they are loaded so possible rendering errors might not really matter.


I still understand what you are trying to tell me.

But understand this, the rotor in this case is not powered, the only power comes from the thrusters.

So if you atach a ship to the end of this arm, a ship that can do a max of 100m/s in linear movement it can propell itself up to 1067,5 m/s doing circles.

Its very much fun tho, i was playing wth it all day until it made me sick lol.

I was watching a video about Ultimate Epic Battle simulator the other day, basicaly they invested much effort in making the game running smoothly with thousands of units firing thousands of arrows or missiles.

I wish keen invests like that to block related calculations, so we can have bigger ships and fly faster.


I never said anything about a selfrotating rotor, i mentioned propulsion wich can be anything that brings the rotor in motion, its own power, thrusters at its ends and even wind power or some goblins running around it.. or conan all alone lol. I understood your thruster powered rotor from the very beginning.


Connan was badass to spin that thingh alone tho.


The whole thingh is not powered by a rotor, the rotor is only a fixed point that the thingh rotates around.

I did the same thingh powered by rotor's rotation and i got a lot lower speeds.

The cockpit and atmosferic propulsion were basicaly a ship traveling over the speed limit tho they were not traveling linearly but in circles.

Still i think speed limits should aply to them.


I rather they don't, at least not as such, for that would likely mean another intrusive botch to the engine, this time to keep circumferential speed in check, and the movement in SE, rotation in particular, feels molassy enough as it is.

Mind, the presence of a speed limit isn't a benefit of the game, something that is (inherently) desirable from a gameplay standpoint. It's a technical gag that's there to keep things happening in real time, or at least in dilated time (vulgo: lag), in dicey situations because there is only so much calculation power available (regardless how efficiently or inefficiently it is used by the programming).

The speed limit is there to prevent things from going from bad to worse, or at least try to mitigate it, not to make good things better. And, more importantly, it's always there, even when there currently aren't any things imminently about to get worse.


This isn't a bug. Long time ago the rotor speed was limited, subgrids couldn't go above 100m/s, but if a grid already flies at 100m/s with a rotating rotor on it, that caused problems, Then they changed them to simply lock above certain speed, but that also caused a bunch of clang. So they released the limiters, now rotors can rotate as fast as they need to. It's a feature.


Well, … enjoy!

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