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Game paused on medical room screen on multiplayer server

alec mcatee shared this bug 6 years ago
Won't Fix

For some reason, when I try connecting to my friends dedicated server my game is paused on the medical room screen. They have tried resetting the server as well as deleting all of the mods. Also, I myself have had several clean installs of the game and tried many times to reload. Since none of these attempts have fixed the game, I came on here to see if anyone can help.


Replies (6)


You should categorize this post as a bug, not an idea. You may get help that way.


That's doubtful considering the already ever so helpful response threads that, might I add, go unresponded to.


Moved to bugs. Please let us know if the problem is fixed or provide more info if still happens.


There have been several threads already created responding to this of which is apparently already being looked over. The fact that this happens to be more than just a few isolated issues means it's wide-spread. I'd get a fix out there as soon as possible. Thanks.


This happens to myself and another person on a DS, However after about 10-15 minutes the rooms stream in and you can select one to respawn in. then it hangs again and I have to reload/reconnect once reconnected i have to wait a minimum of 15 minutes to stream in the graphical elements and a minimum of 30 minutes before the server will register my interactions with my own suit (ie: helmet open/close) or any grids or menus. Once loaded everything runs fine till the server crashes (separate issue but still a Keen problem The server owner has submitted a separate ticket). something else that i think is related to this issue is when i die and try to reload the medbay screen the game crashes to desk top, though this is seemingly random and would take an unreasonable amount of time to replicate considering the entire process takes more than an hour just to get into the game.


Keen isn't going to give a helpful response. I've already posted on a few separate forums with similar or exactly the same issues I experience myself. After the whole multiplayer "update" they released, SE went to shit for me. I barely play it anymore and trying to get a useful answer out of this community is like talking to a brick wall for a good few months before suddenly realizing what you're talking to.


Hello, Engineers!

As this thread as well as last comments here are quite old, let me please first ask if any of you is still experiencing it even nowadays (v197.181). Probably this issue was fixed with the time and various game updates.

Can you either confirm that it is no longer happening, or disclaim it? If it is still happening, is the still same behavior, or did it change?

Thanks in advance for letting me know.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Yes this is STILL happening. It only happens for me after a player dies and attempts to respawn.


Honestly, it's starting to piss me off. It's turning into the 7 Days To Die dev team... "Oh, we'll just add more crap to fix it..."


This happens if you alt-tab the game while the world is loading.

Basically, if you connect to a world, then the game goes into the background because you do something else, it's paused when you return after it finishes loading and renders the respawn menu.

I've noticed the game toggles pause state when loading even in the foreground.

Right when the respawn menu appears, but before it's streamed the respawn points, the "Game Paused" bar appears at the top briefly, then disappears.


Hello, Engineers!

It´s already quite long time from when this issue was originally posted as well as from the last comment.

Are you still experiencing it? Or was it fixed in the meantime.

Thanks in advance for confirming me current situation.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Yes its still a problem.


YES. Only took you guys a year and a half to respond, Jesus Christ.


Hello, Engineers!

Sorry to know that this issue persists.

Although after going through all the comments, it seems similar to this issue which has already been reported internally. To confirm it, may I ask if any of you could share their log file when having this issue?

  • You can access your log files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Nah. I stopped playing the game ages ago because of how badly run it is. If it takes you guys over a year to respond to bug reports, I think your development team is more than capable of figuring it out on their own.


Hello, Engineers!

Because there is no new comment, and we were unable to reproduce the issue on our own, we are closing this thread now as outdated.

If you or any other player will experience this issue again, please make a new thread and provide all the needed info there.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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