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Invincible Blocks in Dedicated

Nizzine shared this bug 3 years ago
Won't Fix

Cannot grind other players blocks in dedicated server. They themselves can grind them but they are completely invincible to other players after placing a functional block on the grid.

Replies (4)


Ah so it's a new bug ahh... Wonderful... I have experienced it in creative too yes.


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your report. Could you please provide us with more information? Do you use any mods? Unless it can be

reproduced on a clean, un-modded server, it is usually caused by a certain mod or by combination of mods which we have no control over. Any additional information will be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello KSH, Yes the bug is reproducable with un-modded server as well, we tested that by making a clean new world without mods. We also asked our dedicated server provider, Serverblend, if they have added some new torch plugins without our knowledge that might cause this, but they haven't replied yet.

I did download the world file and tested it on single player / locally on my computer, but I couldn't reproduce the issue like that.

I uploaded the same identical world file to server and the bug appeared again. It clearly has something to do with it being a dedicated server.



Thank you for your reply. If I understand correctly you play on a torch server, is it so? In that case, unfortunately, we couldn't help you, because we don't support torch servers.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hi there again, hope you're having a good day!

What you meant to ask was "Could you disable Torch, if you have it, and see if that does anything?"

Why yes I can disable torch to test if it does anything.

I will get back to the subject asap. I have tested.


Hello Nizzine,

it means that we don't support Torch servers and if you can reproduce this issue using our Space Engineers Dedicated Server?

Thank you!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

Since there are no new comments in this topic and we are still not able to reproduce it,

we are closing this thread as outdated.

In case anyone is encountering the same or similar bug, which is not already posted in a

different thread, please feel free to create a new thread with all relevant information.

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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