Inventory not synchronised when using PB [MP only]

Andy shared this bug 4 years ago

Bug: Base/Container Inventories are not synchronised after moved items with the Programable Block.

How this is reproduceable on each online (survival server) 10 of 10

Take PB,

1. Get Source and Destination Inventory with GetInventory()

2. Check if both are connected with sourceInventory.IsConnectedTo(destinationInv)

3. Check if its possible to move item with canTranferItemTo

4. Check if destination container is not full

5. Use SourceInventory.TransferItemTo(DestinationInventory, item)

If just move a small amount from one inventory its not a problem.

When getting all Inventories of Base from Refinery, Assemblers Containers etc and move them to one or more defined containers they dissapear (visual)

If you rejoin the server, the inventory get synchronised and you are able to see the

invisible/moved Items.

Final Problem: After many items got moved, the client inventory is not synchronised with the server inventory (Server Inventory is always correct after using PB)

Workaround for this bug -> Rejoin after moved some part with Programamble Block

This bug goes back to 2017 and allready is not fixed, there are thousand of people asking why items dissapear when using PB - this is the Problem

Please fix it


Replies (2)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I Run a DS and i Found that any Script the moves cargo around like autosorter scripts make ALL grids (even grids without the script) on the same server have the issue as reported above "Base/Container Inventories are not synchronised after moved items" . i find this Starts to happens when them scripts have running longer then an hour moving items from refinerys as there are made i found this script also seem to run up a lot ram use if just on moving 1 units at a time every 100 ticks or 10 etc etc.

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