[1.187.088] (Reproducable) Ship floating, thrusters not working but rotation is

Beny Benz shared this bug 6 years ago

Occurs in current version (MP update) and in the version prior to the update.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Unrar attached file, the Crash_Reproduce folder is the world save, the V-Wing folder belongs into the blueprint folder and the other four screenshots for reference.

2a) Check if an blueprint of an red looking ship shows up, if not (2b))

2b) (if NOT) add a the "V-Wing"-blueprint to "Projector 1" and dial in the following values:

Horizonatl offset: -19 , Vertical offset: -8 , Forward offset -3 , Pitch: 90° , Yaw 0° , Roll 180°

the connector of the blueprint and the small "connector ship" should lign up (see screenshot for reference)

3) Press the button called "Timerblock 5" (the one which is alone on one controll panel) and wait 2min/until the door opens up again.

4) Enter the newly built ship's cockpit and do NOT press P, just try to "wiggle free" from the connectors "force field"

5) Obeserve behavior of freely floating ship, thrusters can not be enabeled, but gyroscopes still function.

This bug has also occured on a Multiplayer serves without trying to reproduce it, seemingly random (ship is able to turn, but thrusters seem to be blocked).

Hope you can fix it, if anything is not working as descriped / anything is unclear, please contact me, I really wish to get rid of this bug.

Replies (3)


its sort of the same as mine i have photos too :) if i did not kill my self and re-log into my med-bay i would have a space craft 'Damaged and out of fuel" float from earth to space with no power or thrusts turned on

also a projector stand that was dis connected from a rotor

and a large block car we just finished building

all wanting to slowly float away as if earth was space



thank you so much Benny! I was able to reproduce it exactly as you wrote. I didn't even have to wiggle the ship out from connector, it stopped working when door opened. I made a ticket and some programmer will look at it soon.

Thanks once again!



just wanted to let you guys know that the bug is still present in latest version 1.193.103. The steps to reproduce the error still work. Since I can't update my original post I have commented here.




I am also getting this bug, but it seems to be happening a bit randomly to the small drone ship I keep trying to build.


Note to ship design: There are large amount of thrusters inside that burns through reactors, other thrusters, armors and other stuff due to thruster damage, once thrusters work. So it is not that testing friendly design.


Hmm..., well it was planned for beeing used with thruster damage enebeled and the engines are hidden inside the ship. But I hope it's not a problem to disable thruster damage...

You can also see it like this: You get immediate feedback if the thrusters suddently decide to work :)

Have you tested if the bug occurs with another design aswell?


Hello, do you guys have any update on this topic? We're still facing it randomly in our local MP games.


I discovered a similar bug within the last day or so, in which I dock with a space station in it's safe zone, a nearby Moon is in the distance, but the station appears out of it's gravitational pull, but the issue I'm having is that the thrusters are being ignored, and the ship slowly rotates on it's own, ...I looked at the speed indicator while this was happening, and it fluctuated between 0.00 to 0.01 m/s, which would explain why the ship was able to move, but doesn't explain why the ship moves with gyro's disabled. The station appears to be stationary, not moving, I confirmed this.

I would walk into the station to do some trading, and when I walk back out, my connected ship, has rotated to the left. The connects don't have to be locked for this to happen, just connected in the "yellow" state, or "green".

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