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Cant repaint blocks

Taylor youngreen shared this bug 6 years ago
Not a Bug

I can't seem to be able to repaint blocks with middle click or with a bound hotkey.

did this change and im just doing it wrong? is there a special way to do it now?

is anyone else having this problem?

Replies (7)


Works fine for me, the only thing were it is not working anymore is when the Grid Owner is someone different than you, this has been changed for the good.


Hello, Engineer!

We were not able to reproduce your issue. Could you please provide us with more information regarding the issue you reported? To report a bug into our system it is necessary to have reliable steps to reproduce in order for programmers to fix it.

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Keen i think this bug happens in multiplayer to reproduce join a server and have 2 of you in a shared faction build 3x3 grid or something and both of you try re - painting the block you will see that only one of you in faction is able to paint your grid blocks while other cannot not matter what they try :) hope this helps fix it


It appears that you can only repaint blocks while having selected another block. You cannot repaint when you have a welder/grinder/drill selected.


That's always the case but some member in same faction cannot paint blocks only 1 person can which is not right this is nothing to do with how to paint just can't paint if in faction, should be all shared blocks in faction can be painted by faction but right now only 1 person can paint in faction and for test of the members it is disabled :)


Yeah I get also his point.

The new Painting is too restrictive, it has been set to Grid Owner only, while it should be Grid Owner + Faction.

For Example : There's sometimes the issue of you using someone else welder ship, and he might be just the owner of the core block, and therefor you can't paint the whole ship


Hello, Engineers!

Painting in multiplayer now works this way: when you are two players in a faction and both of you want to repaint a shared grid, each of you have to own half of the blocks. If one of the players owns more than half of the blocks, that player is now a "big owner" and the only one who can repaint the shared grid.

@kill2die Could you please provide us with more information regarding "the core block" that prevents you from repainting the ship although you own rest of the blocks? Any additional information would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Yeah sure.

Your mate builds a Welding ship + Projector.

Now you use the Welding ship to build the projected grid.

While it is your own pcu that get drained(I think and hope atleast this works now like that in todays version, in earlier version it was the welder owner's pcu that was used lol!) , he is still the owner of the complete grid > therefor you can't paint anything, but can control it 100%.

Someone needs to come online and transfer the ownership to you , just to paint this thing, which is a quite unfortunate circumstance and may not be available if you are on public servers.

My Opinion : too restrictive, change it to Faction + Owner, the real miss-use of these thing was that ANYONE was able to PAINT ANYTHING. I mean like .... if you can't trust your mates/faction members, who can you?


I fully support the opinion of @kill2die

While I see the merits of restricting the repainting of grids on a public multiplayer server, this current solution is a bit to restrictive.

In my private server, among a group of friends, the limitations of repainting are quite annoying in our efforts to build up a base cooperatively in survival.

I would certainly appreciate an option to either allow members of my faction to repaint my grid, to disable the painting restrictions for an entire grid or to be able to disable the painting restrictions server wide.


yeah some permission based system for stuff like this would be also amazing, this sounds interesting


I second @kill2die and @Stiefel. Honestly Keen, how can you consider this the "release" build of the game if you can't even get BASIC MULTIPLAYER PAINTING working correctly?

FYI, this "majority rules, big owner" thing is not "correctly."

"It's not a bug, it's a feature!"

-Keen Software House.


@Ahnkara don't be ridiculous. This is at best an annoyance. An side effect of a very valid attempt to fix a problem. Don't act like it's the end of the world - and don't drag my name into this outlandish outrage.


So what about adding a tick box to faction settings, to allow other members to paint blocks? Or even better, link recolor priviliges to the faction rank, so you can control individiually who can and can't paint blocks.


This is not 'an annoyance'- it is utterly stupid and causes no end of unnecessary frustration and reduction in productivity in multi-player.

As already noted ( by people that actually play the game- so not KSH employees obviously ), the ONLY issue was ANYONE could paint ANYTHING regardless of being in an enemy faction or not. All KSH needed to do was limit painting to faction members only- boom, problem solved.

If you had an issue with someone in your faction being a jerk and painting stuff randomly, you talk to them, then kick them out of the faction- again, problem solved, no need for a stupid 'majority owner' system that just stops people from being able to do anything to help their team mates.

What we need is to implement the already suggested fix ( all faction members can paint eachothers blocks ), or at the very least, have that as an option in the ownership menu for blocks ( 'allow anyone to paint/faction members can paint/only owner can paint' )- it's so insanely simple to have a working system in place that you have to look on in awe of how short-sighted and nonsensical the devs are over simple decisions sometimes.


I agree with others. How can I even as server admin not paint grids in my faction? Admin should overrule that. How else do I actually admin the server?


I agree, repaint limitation should be limited to faction members. I just wasted 2 hours researching why repainting was not working for me. apparently my friend owns majority of the blocks in the base even though I am the owner of the faction and I host the game.


I'm experiencing this bug in single player, and I have not tried multiplayer. Before the DLC update I could repaint any block I had ownership on. Now, regardless of ownership, running full vanilla so no mods at all, the only way I can change color or texture is to grind a block down completely and rebuild it. I have done a reinstall of the game, and I'm making sure I click OK after picking a color or texture. I have also tried changing the mouse and testing both to make sure they work properly. What more information do I need to provide to find a solution?


what happened for me was my MMB actually is broken.


Thank you, that does answer my problem.


Right, since it's been over 6 months and all they've done is fob us off with excuses and pretty much refuse to do anything ( or atleast acknowledge the issue and promise to do something, anything to ease the situation ), I suggest we get a little more... militant. Here is Keen's Space Engineers Twitter:

If we can get enough people to complain, and offer the painfully simple solution I posted months ago ( re: simple permissions tick box for painting grids ), we might be able to rouse them into action.


Still a big issue on every server I've tried playing on. How is this "not a bug" but an intended feature? Seriously?


WOW Im getting on the bandwagon too.

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