[publictest] Canceling craft does not refund resources

CakeConjurer shared this bug 6 years ago

If you begin crafting a workbench and then cancel it, you do not get the materials back. Presumably it also works this way for other recipes. Might be intended behaviour, since refunding resources could cause inventory overflow if you loot something while crafting, but it definitely feels wrong.

To reproduce:

1. Gather materials for a workbench.

2. Open your inventory and start crafting the workbench.

3. Click the "cancel" button before the crafting process finishes.

4. Note how you don't get any resources back.

Replies (4)


Thank you for the report. I am not able to reproduce your issue. Every time I canceled crafting I got all resources back. Were you doing something specific?


After testing some more I've narrowed it down to crafting directly from inventory. Verified it for various recipes (stone axe, timbers, torch, workbench, roll of thatch), both in an offline world and in online multiplayer (on Xoc's test world yesterday, and Top Hat Engineers' testing server today). You do properly get your resources back if you cancel a craft that is using the workbench.

See the screenshots below, where I craft->cancel a stone axe and lose the resources.


Screenshot 1: Before crafting.


Screenshot 2: After clicking "Craft" and then "Cancel", my inventory is missing 3 sticks and a stone.


I just had the same issue. I was making bread. Ran out of flammable material while cooking. Inserted more and the process stayed at waiting. Canceled the process...no flour.


I was able to reproduce this issue with Kiln. We will look at it.

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