Sound bug

online shared this bug 6 years ago
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I haven't played medieval engineers in a while and after returning now, I immediately noticed a strange bug. I couldn't find it anywhere described in the forums, thus my request for help here.

The problem is, that everytime I start my game, after a few minutes into the gameplay, most ingame activity sounds vanish. I do hear my menu sounds, mouse click sounds and the like, but the immersion sounds, such as the effects when using a tool, footsteps, etc. are completely gone.

I checked the settings and everything is as I left it, it all looks normal. I can't explain this to myself, really. Please help me!

Replies (1)


Hello, thank you for the report. Can you post a log file from the game? Maybe there will be some information about why the sound is not working for you properly.

Logs - Post log files along with a description, they can be found here: C:\Users\{YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\

We often need MedievalEngineers.log and VRageRender-DirectX11.log.

Simply paste this into your Explorer: %appdata%\MedievalEngineers.

The log files should be from the game session where you've encountered the bug. If you start the game again, the logs will be overwritten.

Maybe this would help you:

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