
Oselotti shared this feedback 8 days ago
Not Enough Votes

I started to think what if we have transponders in our ships. Like instead of automatically see the faction signal it could depend if the transponder is on or off. If transponder is ON it tells the faction like normally but if it's OFF ship is stealthier and gives unknown signal much closer to other player or npc faction. So it depends the other players or npc's how they react with known or unknown signals. Naturally npc enemies could turn transponder off sometimes. Perhaps this idea could give new fun game mechanic to react. Transponder itself could be part of cockpit or antenna or perhaps transponder block. I'm not sure.

Do you think this is good idea?

Replies (6)


Is this like an AirTag?


All planes has the transponder and news in my country constantly told unknown planes flying transponders off from one other country to our airspace. So our air force had to go and identify them every time. So perhaps the word is more familiar in my country. Anyway that gave me the idea.

This is the transponder.


Looks like for some reason the Wikipedia link won't work. So I'll put something here.

...the transponder sends back a transponder code (or "squawk code", Mode A) or altitude information (Mode C) to help air traffic controllers to identify the aircraft and to maintain separation between planes. Another mode called Mode S (Mode Select) is designed to help avoiding over-interrogation of the transponder (having many radars in busy areas) and to allow automatic collision avoidance...

I underlined the interesting part.


This can easily be accomplished by just changing how opposing factions perceive beacons and/or antenna blocks all without the need for a new block. Or if one wanted a new block just call it a comms scrambler that makes it more difficult for hostile factions to identify what it is.


This does not need to be its own block, having the beacon or antenna do this would be more than adequate.


would be also cool if we could recover undamaged transponders from ships and use them to pretend we're from other faction for a while

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