Thruster with upgrade modules

Balmung shared this feedback 23 days ago
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When we look at the refinery we see two slots on them that looks like they are a replacement for upgrade modules like we have them in SE1, but much smaller.

Why not having such slots also on thrusters?

1. Speed module - you can accelerate faster but consume more fuel/energy

2. Efficiency module - you accelerate slower but consume less fuel/energy

3. Boost module - you can overdrive the thruster for a short amount of time until it overheats and it consume much more fuel/energy.

Only example modules. It would give you more freedom on designing your ship. If you have more as enough fuel but not much space for a lot of thrusters you can use speed/boost modules. If you have a lot of thrusters but less fuel tanks, you could go for more efficiency modules. Of course you can also mix them, for example on left/right/up/down thrusters you could use speed/boost modules so you need less thrusters in that directions. Or also on front thrusters for quicker breaking (as soon Keen fixed that unbalancing that exists right now in SE2).

Replies (1)


Mod modules could be also then used to upgrade thrusters, so less need of modded thruster, because instead of modding the thruster itself you can do the same with a mod module and you are way more flexible that way.

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