LCD Screen's and Auto LCD

BlueBytes shared this feedback 26 days ago
Not Enough Votes

I'm not sure if this was covered specifically yet, so i figured id make a post dedicated to this MOD.

I would love to see this implemented into the LCD screen APPS and Grid Info.

  • Jump drives charge display
  • Oxygen pressure, farms output & tanks content!
  • Damaged blocks list with progress bars!
  • Filtered inventory items listing & missing items listing
  • Reactor, solar & battery power stats
  • Block details display
  • Doors, gears & connectors status
  • Ammo report
  • Custom scrolling text display
  • Linked LCDs!
  • Filter blocks by name or by group
  • Cargo space
  • Block count
  • Producing, Idle & Enabled summary / list
  • Laser antenna status
  • Stopping distance and stopping time
  • Location, Speed, Acceleration, Date & Time, Gravity
  • Progress bars!
  • Multiple commands in single LCD!


Every captain wants to have displays that show some useful info. Make your bridge display damaged blocks in engineering, engine room, etc. Make big screen by joining multiple Wide LCDs! Show power output, batteries status, laser antenna connections and much more. Make your docking bay display which landing gears are occupied. Make screens for docking fighers when landing gear is ready to dock so they can nicely see it from cockpit! Make one LCD per container to see its contents.. and much more!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *MMaster

I sometimes enjoy playing SE without HUD. Using visual and audio que's instead. Or forcing myself to only use HUD within a Seat. or console. but regardless.

Having the ability to make our screen display info was a game changer in SE1 for me.

Mod in question: Automatic LCDs 2 by MMaster

Replies (1)


In addition - Could some of this be recorded as a text report on a datapad with a Ship name, date and time stamp?

It would then act as a historical record.


I think adding it into a Datapad could be done.

I feel like it being added into the "lore"

Or even being able to "insert" this Datapad, into a console to view it on a LCD screen? that could something..

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