Teleportation without abusing medbays

BestJamie shared this feedback 34 days ago
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SE1 already has teleportation, its just feels cheaty. If you die and choose to respawn at a different medbay/survival kit that is functionally teleporting. Even if the spawn menu is disabled you can still do it by just disabling all medbays but the medbay you want to respawn at using remote control. The issue is that you can't get rid of this functionality without making a bunch of changes that make death way more punishing and the game less fun.

So my recommendation is to codify it, and make it so there is actual in-universe teleportation. The way it should work is you can build a teleporter on your ship, and you can select from any other teleporter within radio range to target. You need to build up energy like with a jump drive, and the amount of energy you spend scales with the distance and how full your inventory is.

The player inventory is small enough that you can't use this efficiently for transporting most materials between locations, but you get to keep your equipment without needing to build a copy at each location. Requiring a teleporter at both locations means you retain the challenge of actually needing to get to wherever youre going without a teleporter in the first place and establishing yourself there.

Having an actual in-universe way of doing things makes the whole game more immersive and gives you tools with which to balance teleportation separate to the respawn mechanics through energy-loss, whether you can bring ores with you, whether you can bring equipment with you, stuff like that!

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Also building a teleport bay inside your ship is cool.

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