SUGGESTION: Multi Component Engineering with scalable variables.

LordVader1O1 shared this feedback 37 days ago
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Essentially a more complex engineering system that would scale the resulting variables based on the components used.

Lets take a Single reactor rigged up to a small single laser with a button. Once pressed, the power is provided to the small laser which fires and the result is a small explosion at the impact point of whatever the laser is firing at, lets say the resulting damage variable is a value of 1. This is how it is currently... adding more reactors and more lasers would result in a larger explosion but the result is still 1, there are just multiple impacts caused by the multiple lasers in a small radius with that same value of 1. If that makes sense?

This is where the Multi Component Engineering (Lets call it MCE) comes in IF you choose to build something outside of the standard building method that the game currently utilises. Players would use these MCE systems to generate higher output variables that essentially stack if they were to be combined through more MCE builds.

For Example... You could essentially construct a large weapon that is comprised of different weapon components to generate a resulting damage variable that is significantly larger than if you were to build it using the standard method. Using components such as a focusing crystal, a power amplifier, thermal regulators, magnetic arrays, a heat shield casing to maintain the temperature. Etc etc etc. Using these components you then build the system set up to fire a laser that would output the resulting damage value of lets say... 5, you can then duplicate this system and place it angled to fire with the other system so when both lasers fire they would merge together at a point forming a bigger single laser resulting in a substantially more damaging value of 10. You could then pass that through more components to amplify the output to a value of 20. Stacking the input from one subsystem with the other outputs a higher combined value. Then take everything, duplicate this subsystems again and forge an even larger more powerful complex weapon system with a output damage value of 100, 200, 500... 1000! This process can essentially be repeated until the power essentially caps out, the heat build up is too great that cooling is no longer feasible or the reaction within the system can no longer be contained and therefore the entire thing shorts out or explodes.... or you accidently form a black hole haha... You get the idea.

This means you could build massive complex super-weapons such as a satellite Orbital Laser, anti-matter weaponry or even a Death Star. But this MCE could also be used to craft other large systems. Such as anti-matter reactors, water management systems, life-support, MCE thrusters. The list goes on.

Remember Minecraft Redstone? Simple small components that could be used together for massive complex systems. Space Engineers 2 would be the perfect place for this kind of thing and I have the faith in KSH that they could actually pull it off.

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