In-Game SE 'Auto-Cad'-like Computer Block

sansbar shared this feedback 37 days ago
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I've posted a similar suggestion in the past, but since keen said they will be focusing on suggestions from the community, I'd like to reintroduce this one into the fold again for a better chance of being considered.

I bought the game when it came out and to this day, I honestly find it tedious to build in at larger scales. I still play it off and on because I genuinely like the game and want it to succeed, but I'm always slightly bothered by this as I'm playing.

It essentially boils down to this for me. Regardless of what stage of progression in the game you are in, or even if you are in creative mode, you have to place each individual block by hand, one by one by moving your character to that position to place it, without a way to plan out a design concept at a better perspective. I feel the line and plane modes, along with the ctrl+zoom to extend the placement range, are not enough to make up for this. It's more about having to physically move your character to a location in order to start to plan or test a design, along with being limited by block placement types, whether in survival or creative.

The only current solution is to load up an entire separate creative game mode save where still, the building handicaps I mentioned are present, build your design concept by hand through trial and error, which wastes tons of time, and then save as a blueprint, go to survival or multiplayer, build a projector block and then load your blueprint and weld each individual block in it.

Having to weld blocks and grids to completion is good and makes the game fun; it's the build planning that feels seriously neglected to me. It really needs an isometric or third person ship/grid build mode where it puts the grid into view at an orbital camera focal point in 3d, or in an auto cad-like x y or z 'planar' or 'grid' view with adjustable slices of these axes through the build, and with an adjustable scale of view. You should be able to place projected-style, 'hypothetical' blocks with your cursor in these views that remain in the projected and blueprint 'environment' not that actually gets placed like it would by hand, additionally with symmetry modes such as lines, planes, and curves enable-able from a menu list along with block types. Something really similar to the hologram table, that actually already shows scaled-down blueprints completely, that you can even walk into and see the blueprint's individual blocks by clipping through the armor, for example. For me, if I could place projected blocks at this scale with the cursor meant to be saved as a blueprint, the game would feel complete to me, because I would be content feeling like I've got the means to plan out ideas efficiently before building them without wasting time trying and scrapping real block-grid concepts in a creative world.

Now that I think about it, every other space/engineering/building game like this that I've played has this kind of building mode.

It speaks to the necessity for engineering games like this to have a way to plan out a build and have a logical view of what is being built from an external, down-scaled perspective, just like an engineer would use auto-cad to plan out what they're making before they go at it. I don't think 'noble savagery' in the sense of arbitrary limitations is a strong enough argument for these supposed space 'engineers' foregoing a means of structurally planning out their builds 'on paper' first. It just isn't logical to start a project backwards like that to end up with the 'blueprint.' In a survival setting it should be the way you start but not how you have to continue. These engineers would invent means to make planning easier and use them once they could.

To summarize my point of view: The building in this game needs some QOL improvements that scale to your progression, just like the other aspects such as mining; with a hand drill first, then a ship drill- or how refining first uses the survival module, then basic refinery, then a full refinery. It's good to have to progress and for the process of grid planning- after you get started, the concept of progression doesn't follow the scale of your growth as builds get more complex, large, or detailed when you have acquired more means of production power and resources. When you reach this stage you should have access to an auto-cad like 'terminal' or 'computer' that allows you to plan out designs with 'computing' power in a scaled down version of projected blocks, like what is interestingly, already present with the hologram table, where you're currently able to walk into blueprint holograms and see the ships interior.

The by-hand, individual block placement mode should of course still remain for starting out, but then you should be able to build a functional block like the hologram table that would allow this build plan view and it's use would just be for placing scaled-down projected blocks at a more efficient perspective to be saved as blueprints for use in projectors, to then be welded by hand or with other grids like normal. Again, similar to the hologram table that can display blueprints but that would let you place projected blocks at it's scale and from a better overview-perspective with slice-adjustable 'planar' views of x y and z through a functional block.

this is a copy paste straight from the SE1 support site i found after a discussion in the Keen SE2 discord section. original post by spiegel

Replies (3)




auto cad design tool would be cool.


I just hope the developers don't do this


Isn't that what creative mode is for? Alternatively, there is a suggestion for an in-game editor, which could be simply launching a limited creative mode while your character is still sitting at a terminal in survival mode...

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