Painting Individual Block Sides

Dakota Sylvan shared this feedback 37 days ago
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Please let us paint individual sides of a block! Maybe have it be an option in the Paint Tool "R" menu, to choose between painting the whole block (current gameplay) or painting an individual face.

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furthermore ill explain.

In SE1, this was very noticeable in Large Grids for me.

Certain times, I'd paint a room or something, and later notice because it paints the entire block, I'm moved to redo/move entire builds, just because i couldn't paint it, "hazard yellow" without it stick out somewhere, somewhere else.

sure i can just put a few more blocks to cover it up, but with PCU limits, i feel like it would be much easier to less strain to be able to paint individual faces of the block.

Now in SE2, i understand with the current grid system, its much easier to just set another small layer over a large block or something along those lines.

but when doing Super grid, and Large ships, that will easily become PCU heavy, just to paint some blocks.

I'm unsure if that makes sense, But i feel like this would be just a nice QOL feature for painting, with adding the paint gun anyways, i think it would be a good feature to have even if its later on.


Good looking out

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