Rotary airlock door block as vanilla

Deon Beauchamp shared this feedback 18 days ago
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Airlocks can take up too much room on small ships.

The mod for the rotary airlock block in SE1 is brilliant.

Can we have it as vanilla.

It will not solve all needs, and airlock engineering is a good thing to experiment with.

The rotary airlock door mod is so good.

Replies (5)


I have also suggested on another post that the rotary airlock door could be used for changing spacesuits.


agreeded this is one of the must have mods from se1 in almost all my playthru's that i do would love to see it part of the new base game


Adding a rotary airlock could make all other airlocks redundant, so I don't think it's necessary. Currently, the game allows us to create effective airlock systems using two airlock doors, a ventilation system, and a programmable block or timer block. This setup can implement the sequence: open the door, let the engineer in, close the door, evacuate/fill air, and open the other door.


And what could go wrong, because it invariably does. When O2 generators and vents are running they often will repressurise the air tight areas when they are partially depleted. So do you allow the vents in the main pressurised areas to do this or do you allow them to slowly loose the air? If you rely on the air in the airlock to repressurise the main area, what do you do when the air lock fails, and it will. Do you store the airlock air in a separated O2 tank and have another O2 generator for its top up? Do you have more timers, more event blocks and more sensors?

Simply put, if you want a reliable airlock and never want to keep refilling massive airtight areas, put turret outside of either end of the airlock and activate them to shoot friendlies that get too near the airlock door when the airlock is occupied. You know that they will find a way to mess up a perfectly good airlock system if they are having to wait each time for someone to leave the airlock before they can get in.

The rotary airlock block uses 1 block, you can add more for speedy access.

The airlock thing may have new issues underwater.


I agree with @Sheridan, with the new compound building this doesn't seem necessary. Especially since with blueprint building you can just make your own airlock blocks.


We need more variety in doors in general. Functionally, they could give us a non-airtight version of the door as a vanilla thing, then let folks mod it so that it can be airtight. Now although functionally that could happen, in reality imo it would be a slap in the face to the original modder. That in mind, we need more doors in general and something like the rotary airlock door is something that if added to vanilla I would say should be optional. They can have a sort of sub-menu for additional blocks people find controversial that are off by default, but can be enabled on a block by block basis for servers.


Question - Do you play multiplayer and use pressurization successfully to the satisfaction of all and without error?

If so, share the secret.


Yes. I'd have to know what the problem with it is to know what "secret" you'd need. I've always played multiplayer with pressurization on, and never gotten any complaints, it's always worked great.

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