Game opens on the wrong screen

Vitoria Zofia shared this feedback 40 days ago
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So if I hit Play on Steam and then switch to a window on my other monitor (which is a smaller resolution than my main one), it opens on that monitor instead of in the main one, and as of now I have to reset the game to fix it, which is pretty annoying. Hope this can be fixed soon.

Replies (2)


Having the exact same issue, except when I restart it doesn't always fix the problem.


We have at least on other topic about this issue. It is a bug btw. so it should be posted in the bug forum not into the feedback forum. Maybe you didn't find similar topics for that reason.

I have btw. the same issue. You can move the window with Win + Shift + Left/Right Cursor key to the other monitor. My issue got even more worse, it opens the window in between my two monitors now and that I can really only fix by going into the settings and change it to window mode. XD

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