Thruster sound is tied to speed, not thrust used

BeautyFades shared this feedback 42 days ago
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I built the jankiest ship ever to test out how much acceleration I could get with the new large ion thrusters. When doing so, I noticed that the sound (which I assume are arcade, since there shouldn't be sound in space) of the thrusters are tied to the speed the grid is going at, and not how much usage the thrusters are getting. Currently, the sound scales with speed and not thrust.

For instance, if you're in a grid going 300m/s, no thrust, but with dampeners off, then you aren't using any thrusters, and you're in uniform rectilinear motion (technically "at rest", when viewed by another entity in the grid). This means that thruster sound should be minimal, since thrusters aren't in use.

Since this is an (arcade-y) game I think a good compromise is having thruster sounds tied to a combination of speed and thrust used, but much less influenced by speed than thrust. This still gives a sense of "sounding fast" when cruising with dampeners off.

Since this is sound related, I have uploaded a video demonstrating the issue.

Notice at the 0:34 mark up until 1:06 that the ship (if you can call it that) is not thrusting and has dampeners off, but it sounds like it is going absolutely balls to wall.

Minor nitpick in an arcade sounding game, but it still stood out to me like a sore thumb! Also, yes: at the end of the video I crash at max speed for your satisfaction.

Replies (5)


I strongly disagree. Space Engineers 1 had an option to have the sound purely tied to thrust, rather than speed, and I believe this game should either have that as well, or just have that be the only option. If I wanted an arcady game I'd play Empyrion, personally I'm a huge hard sci-fi fan and don't want things like that weird speed-based sound killing my immersion into the game.


Yeah I think this should be covered under the "realistic sound" and "arcade sound" options that simply could be toggled.


I like an unrealistic sound scape, it helps me understand what's happening around the vessel. However i do think that a majority of the sounds happening in the game feel a little slapped on. The sounds of the ship are wholly singular, and don't vary from build to build. They're not indicative of number of thrusters or mass of the vessel and they're not indicative of how fast you're actually going.

I'd appreciate a pretty solid rework of the sound scape. The Space Suit is a great indicator that they're trying something new with the way the engineer himself sounds. I'd like to see that kind of polish go into ships, collisions, scrapes and clangs, general ominous starship rumble, thruster throttle, and more importantly, i'd like to hear what direction the sounds are actually coming from.


I'd love to have realistic sound back but I believe Marek stated it was a feature that wasn't coming back. A minor disappointment that, but oh well not going to break the game. However, I donbelieve max thruster sounds need to be related to thrust not speed. As we thrust the sound should be deep and powerful and when coasting much less noticeable.


Whait what? I assumed it would be an option just like in SE1? That would actually be a major disappointment to me and I'm sure many others who like realism. If that's true I'll definitely make a request for that.


Let me know if you do make a request and you'll have my full support, that is a huge disappointment to me as well. It was horrible in SE1 when realistic sound was bugged for a year and I had to use arcade!


I'd like to have two sounds, the "I'm going really fast" sound where you get the occasional speck of dust pinging off your ship, and the "I'm going faster" sound of your thrusters working (with 'arcade' mode having that tied to speed).


Honestly, I would like the engine sounds to be purely tied to thrust (and preferably played as 3D sounds at the engine's locations) and then another sound effect that gives you the idea about speed like wind noise when flying in atmosphere or rattling of the ship. You could even have specific sound effects for individual components like splashing of liquid in tanks, bumping of moving parts in various machines and so on.

Just so many possibilities for making things more interesting and all that would contribute to a much richer, more interesting audio mix when flying around compared to just a single noise. Not to mention that not all engines turn on and off instantly. For example atmospheric thrusters take time to spool up and down and that's another layer of sound variation.


I would love that. But I definitely would want realistic sound in vacuum.

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