[Idea] Inventory streaming block (Survival)

Tetraton shared this feedback 43 days ago
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A block that needs conveyer connection. Engineers in a certain radius around the block can freely weld and automatically use ressources from the conveyer-network without the need to have these ressources in their own inventory.

This would get rid of the tedious return to a container 100x when building a bigger ship by hand.

Replies (4)


Basically, build-from-container, which is a very common thing for games to allow or for a mod to make happen. This QoL / anti-tedium function is a no-brainer to me.


I'm against it. It my work in other games, in SE2 it would ruin a lot of stuff like "building ships". If you want to build something bigger, use a small building ship with a container and a welder. But "magic" like this shouldn't be in a sci-fi game. Building ships and getting resources for that in your Inventar is a part of the experience.

Also it would made building even more annoying because you only weld endless blocks without anything else in between. It would feel a lot more like boring grind for me.

But ok, if they add this as world map option, fine. I would never use it and wouldn't play on any server where it is on. I know that there are a lot of players who can never have enough QoL and are only satisfied when the game almost runs itself.

In SE1 I simply make my inventory a bit bigger as it is with the default setting and that is enough for me.


I'm also strongly against this, a huge part of Space Engineers is engineering your way out of problems, and projectors/welders very neatly solve this problem in a kinematically rewarding way.


Don't know if this is the form it should take, but I'm all for something like this for those who want to build by hand. Something folks forget is you still need the resources in order for the "magic" to work. Kind of hard to weld up steel plates if I have no steel plates to weld up. Nothing is stopping people from still using the block tools or similar. This just lets people cut out some of the tedium of things you would already be doing. Is it realistic, perhaps not. However this is one of those times when realism can take a backseat to gameplay. Because let's be real here, if a tech like this existed in real life, yall know you would be using it.


Isn’t that just the larger welder tool?

Or you can make a small construction ship with storage and a welder attached. This doesn’t seem to have much point it it.


From how it reads, the point is supposed to be for people welding stuff up by hand so you don't have to constantly make trips back to your cargo hold since the engineer can only hold so much in inventory. While ship welders are the most logical thing, what I'm hearing is they want to avoid having to use ship tools so much and do more weld by hand while eliminating some of the tedium involved.

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