Flight vector indicator - feature request

James Martin shared this feedback 42 days ago
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Please make this vanilla.

With raised ship speeds this has become even more necessary.

In space without proper points of reference, you NEED to know your heading. This is especially needed in dogfighting scenarios but is always important. I actually struggle to think of a flight/space game that DOESN'T have this incredibly necessary UI element.

Example mod instituted in SE1 (I would also like this as vanilla in SE1 after years of asking XD):


Replies (3)


I feel like this is one of those things that would be more fun to create yourself. I'm not much of a programmer, I dislike the idea of just hand waving magicking everything I want in, but surely there are a handful of ways this could be created. As a plus, it would make ship navigations more unique to their designer.


I'm imagining a combination of the faction logo creation tool and a light block interface. Pick from a series of small graphic elements to form the UI element and pick colours. That could be good.

But honestly I don't care how they do it, it needs to be in game. I'm not a handwavey magic'd fan either but you look hard enough at any of this stuff and It all is exactly that. But as far as I'm concerned, this is a necessary element for space flight and is no more handwavey magic'd than your power consumption, fuel status, gravity or altitude display and is just as important. You just need to justify it in a way that makes sense. Say it's part of a helm/cockpit/remote control function. Any grid that has one of these blocks has this functionality. Any that doesn't, doesn't.


You're right that some of the other elements are pretty hand wavey too, but I'm of the opinion that should be reduced, not built upon. I don't particular enjoy Factorio style games where there are set in stone statistically superior ways of doing one thing and doing it any other way is wrong, and I don't much like the way a game like Scrap Mechanic forces people to come up with super jank physics glitches to accomplish simple tasks; But the way SE1 did programmable blocks meant coding it in was it's own kind of jank, and meant there wasn't any cool or unique way to do it with in built physics (which is half of the appeal of the game, in my opinion.)

There exists a problem with this idea from the get-go, being that— as you said— there is no actual reference point for it to go off of. If the entire thing exists as a single block, then it will only work for a strict number of circumstances.

A far better approach would be to give players their own ability to *set up* navigational aides in their worlds, thus giving them one more goal to work towards in a game genre that desperately needs more things to do. I'm sure coding or logic blocks will be added to the game, the coding scene was pretty big in SE1 so it makes sense they would want those players to come to SE2, but a far more interesting approach would be to give radio frequencies a larger use for things such as triangulation, akin to how civil aircraft can use VOR transmitters to navigate.


We NEED an Artificial Horizon of some sort plz


@Erin I mean we had that in SE1 and there are no planets yet in SE2, so I'm sure it'll be added with planets.


I would love to have a prograde, retrograde marker on the navball for flip and burns. Would make it so much easier.


I don't know how the building system will look like in SE2, but some of the blocks (for example the assembler) have two little slots that look like slots for upgrade modules. How would it be if you need to build such a model and stick it in a slot of a cockpit or into a flight computer block on bigger ships or something like that?

Just a random, spontaneous idea of mine.

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