Grid size toggle button

Jonathan Enslin shared this feedback 44 days ago
Not Enough Votes

Instead of cycling through grid sizes with the same button that is used for cycling through block types/shapes, add a button to directly switch between 0.5m and 2.5m grids. Or a possibly a composite binding like "R" for cycling through shapes and "ctrl+R" for changing grid size.

Replies (4)


Keen definetely needs to revisit their current system. Otherwise, my R key won't survive long enough to see VS2!


i also dont care for holding ctrl to turn the blocks. i like being able to move and rotate blocks


I agree. The overall build experience feels alien! I have been trying to grind through and play / learn as if a new game... but after 6+ hours building... The build mechanics in SE... OG! worked well and did / do feel more intuitive.

1) keep "R" toggle block size - and, or keep with the original, tap the block number to toggle through the available block sizes.

2) "numbers" (ctrl+Num) select the desired block / Blueprint. (or the SE hot key(s) to cycle through item menu... cannot remember key binding.)

3) Mouse scroll through bundled blocks within your chosen number selection.

4) num pad (or OG SE key binding) for block rotations


Thanks for the great work so far tho!! can't wait to see how far this game can go!


they said it on the announcement page for VS 1 that this current system is just temporary. I do agree that i'm not a big fan of the R button being used to cycle size and shape and shift + R to go backwards. I do prefer the legacy controls from SE 1 with the exception of holding control and using qwes to manipulate rotation. I enjoy that, but when they add the ability to do control mapping i hope they'll allow the option for legacy controls as well as new controls so we can do hybrid combinations.

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