Key Hint [R] "Size" is misleading.

Hubert D. shared this feedback 45 days ago
Under Consideration

Action under [R] cycles through block variants and should say it does so "Cycle Variants", "Cycle Blocks". When I saw Size I was expecting to go from 1m to 0.5m, 0.25m etc. Also got surprised not finding 25cm this way, as it is actually a separate item.

Basically, a Hint change request, a minor thing but since SE2 aims to be easier to learn, I think it's worth reporting.

Replies (10)


I agree with this and suggest making the scroll wheel the way to cycle block variants or blocks in the group and not the "R" button. Also the cycling of block size (true size and not variants), should be a different button all together. "R" would work for this like the hint suggests already so you wouldn't even need to change the hint.


Scroll wheel should determine SIZE.

I just spent 10 minutes swearing at the thing because I couldn't swap block size...spinning the wheel...mashing the R key....


I agree with this, the R key being both size variants and block variants makes it too clunky. I spent WAY too long trying to get to a large grid cube

I do disagree with OP on one point, it's not a minor thing.


Size should be Shape and the actual size should be changed via scroll wheel


This was something I found non-intuitive and nauseating as well. It works for 'set' blocks like reactors, gyros, thrusters... Things which can only come in certain sizes per their models. But for everything else it is tedious to cycle through all of the variations at all of the sizes to find the ones you want.


Once you know what 'R' does it isn't so bad. One thing the help didn't mention was that Shift-R cycles in the opposite order. So if swapping between two shapes R and Shift-R work well.


I agree with several of the above comments on "r" to cycle the block. I would offer 2 suggestions.

1. Use the scroll wheel to change block type and r to change the size. This would make it quicker and easier for the player to switch blocks.

2. Have an option within the setting to use "classic" SE settings. This would be a simple option to allow experienced players to seamlessly switch between games.

I know that I will continue to play both games and will be looking for ways to make the controls similar for my own play.


One Addition to the Cycle block option I'd enjoy is the ability to have access to some some radial wheel when holding R.

I feel it would be pretty intuitive when working with the same block in a variety of sizes at once.


I agree 100%


I was also testing the 3 varients and seems like i can only access the 2.5m and 0.5 i have to change toi the 0.25 block seperately to use it , also parcial coppying doesnt work for me... anyone else have this problem?

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