Rebind key mappings

Warren Ashburner shared this feedback 45 days ago

For those who need it this is critical to being able to play. Please allow rebinding.

Replies (25)


This should be in the MVP. You talk QoL on stream. This is basic QoL in today's gaming world.


Hell, just the ability to modify controls. Mouse sensitivity is a HUGE one for me.


In addition, not being able to invert the Y axis is a showstopper for me.


My thoughts exactly. Came here to suggest this.


I am left handed and cannot play with WASD. This is quite a big disappointment when you just bought a new game but are unable to play it


Unfortunately without Invert-Mouse-Y this game is completely unplayable for me. This is a complete showstopper for me too.


I get motion sickness when I cannot play with an inverted mouse. I can play through it for a little while, but after an hour of exploring today, I had a headache and was nauseated.


I agree with that, as default SE2 commands are significantly different from what I'm used to in SE1.

Though remapping keys is such an ubiquitous feature in PC games that I expect it to come at some point. I have no doubt the feature will be enabled at some point.


Not including it in the MVP at Steam Early Access launch needs to stop. Too many people rely on these basic features in today's world.

I don't doubt it will be added, I just wish it were already in.


I think for block rotation SE1 is better because after the long design of the ship, I lose one finger. or being sick.



I prefer scroll with the mouse to change block list instead of R input keyboard



I much prefer the control Scheme of SE1's UI and interfaces. The new commands are uncomfortable to say the least, and should definetely have Keybind support at launch, no matter the state of the game. In today's world, it's surprising it isn't.....


The learning curve is already high enough lets not add more confusion to what we already have, especially with so many people the transfer over from SE1 to SE2.. I agree that Improving the functionality is a good thing but it can happen without reworking the key binds. SE1 is so familiar; however, with the new SE2 key Setup it feels counter intuitive. Keeping the original SE1 key binds is preferred for switching between tool bars and blocks on the tool bar. Especially when using MMB to scroll through block options, now I keep messing up which block I want to use because it is no longer [<] or [>] but a scroll. I don't want to relearn the whole thing again, newbies wouldn't know the difference anyhow unles the also get SE1 and have to learn how to switch between them all over again. Its nice to have the feature of a consistent way to rotate the blocks but the [CTRL]+[W][A][S][D] also inhibits my ability to fly around the object I am working on at the same time I want the old [Page up][Page Dn] button set up to save my pinkies. YES, use the new functionality to have rotation be consistent (1000%) but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep the old key binds.


i have physical and neurological disabilities that make things like learning new control schemes incredibly difficult, it'd be really nice if there were a way to at least switch a control scheme to something more like SE1's even if individual key rebinding were not present


When I started playing SE 7 years ago, I didn't need any tutorial on the controls, everything was so intuitive I just found out immediately how to do things : number keys to choose blocks and the toolbars, page down/up/insert and so on to rotate the blocks, mouse wheel to change the shapes, everything was so natural it was like I'd play this game for years when it was just the first time...

Now come SE2. I tried, really, but I just can't... the controls are so counter-intuitive, so weird, and so different to what they were in SE1 that it's just, at least for me, completely impossible to do anything. Why did Keen decide to change something that was working perfectly well ? The controls are a mess, sorry to say but that's how I feel. So my only hope of not having wasted money in the preorder AND the Pioneer DLC is that Keen will one day give us the option of remapping absolutely everything, or better still, give us the option of using the original and far better SE1 controls. Otherwise, I'd be wary of supporting them in the future like I did with SE1 (bought every DLC). I won't ask for a refund but SE2 is going to stay on its shelf and I won't touch it again until I can actually do something with it.


You have to allow key rebinding. I've spent 20+ years with basically the same key setup and I have no interest in changing at this point. As much as I want to like the game I tried with the current keybinding and I just find it too frustrating to use without my normal key binds. This is the 21st century for crying out loud. Key remapping should be basic functionality that is never left out.


As someone who's played with modified bindings for years, I've gotten use to R being interact, F being crouch/descend and T being my walk toggle. I actually use caps-lock for push-to-talk in Discord, so that being walk is actually a conflict.

In Space Engineers, I also had my block rotation binds on my numberpad, as it provided better and more intuitive control over block rotations.


#ToolBarNavigation, #BlockPlacement & #Orientation --> SE-1 vs. SE-2

Familiarity with navigating block placement controls in SE-1 has been established in the community for TEN+ years and is already incorporated into muscle memory for the majority of players.

Therefore I implore KEEN to keep the same block placement and orientation controls in SE-2.

  • Relearning the methods for placement and orientation is fighting TEN+ years of concrete ingrained neurological training and a major stumbling block and increasing frustration to the game enjoyment as an veteran player.
  • This also includes all of the behaviors and functions of the tool bars when selecting or scrolling through blocks.
  • The expectation to have immediate familiarity with the controls creates nostalgia and a greater sense that the Keen developers value the established community and their years of committed support and gameplay.
  • Continued improvement of the current functionalities and intuitiveness will emerge over time through player guided suggestions.
  • A strong degree of intuitiveness has already been established with the community based on their familiarity and willingness to learn from each other by player made tutorials.
  • However, for new players to Space Engineers, Keen needs to put in the work to create a REAL tutorial series in playthrough form, there are no excuses not to have one TEN+ years later.
  • The standardization of the block rotation and orientation definitely is a welcome addition to maintain consistency when scrolling through block options and then placing them on the fly: however the implementation is not ideally executed.

Major Touch Points for Keen:

  1. Listen to the Veteran Player seriously:
  2. The Veteran player base is the end-user/consumer of SE-2 with the best in-game experience from SE-1 to draw from.
  3. The veteran players value familiarity not frustration:
  4. SE-1 and SE-2 are in development but #ToolBarNavigation, #BlockPlacement & #Orientation are not inter changeable,
  5. Keep established and ingrained Key Maps from SE-1 in SE-2.
  6. It will not matter how intuitive Keen attempts to make SE-2 if there is no interchangeability between SE-1 and SE-2 to keep veteran players in the game.
  7. Skills in SE-1 that are transferable are of higher value than new "bells and whistles" in SE-2.
  8. The Noob player value guidance not isolation:
  9. It will not matter how intuitive Keen attempts to make SE-2 if there is no guidance for the new player.
  10. The SE-Community made hundreds of tutorials for SE-1 to help other players.
  11. There is no excuse for KEEN not to make a comprehensive New player tutorial campaign for SE-2.


I'm a veteran player my self. just under 5000 hours SE1 and played since the beginning.

I do agree that key re-mapping is a "must have feature" and without hardcoded functions / keys. But! Personally i also greatly enjoy the current layout for rotating blocks in SE 2 - That along with the introduction of optional key mapping, I can see being very intuitive and good for the build flow.

Selection of blocks is currently lacking IMO though.


Being a disabled man, I currently cannot look around and move at the same time. Please make this a priority.


Add me. When i look into my steam gametime counter i see a whopping 5126,8 hours. Cant be true, you think?



Absolutely, the alternately-abled already go to great lengths to enjoy video games. Some hard-coded key-press combinations, particularly when combined with simultaneous mouse actions are nearly impossible without the ability to remap functions. I don't think it is off-color to intimate that your target demographic includes a larger segment of alternately abled players -- and the style of play you just released as alpha is spot on where they live. It just boggles the mind that engine-testing obsession has blinded the team to the OBVIOUS necessity of a usable human->computer interface. Or that, in the face of "trying to look or feel better" than SE1 you lost your minds and thought, "Oh, let's forget and shove aside all the good things about SE1 in favor of a different experience!" It is mind-boggling how arrogant and echo-chambered innovation for innovation sake can be.

Keen, you had a user interface that was playable, now you have a user interface that is entirely unplayable for a substantial segment of your loyal fan base. That loyalty has limits. Keen, you must address the accessibility issue publicly, aggressively, and without delay; it is not something that can be hand-waved.

I believe the general consensus is to "not refund" and give some grace. Influencers are broadly calling for grace and patience. But this is not an issue of game mechanics, visuals, or bugs. This is a fundamental, core human->computer interface issue that has been disastrously overlooked, ignored, or deprioritized. UI development is not rocket science guys... it is trade craft that is deeply established with decades of learnings. Witness the votes. Fix this.


Not sure if you read the actual blog post regarding VS 1, but they plan to resolve this in a later update. i believe in 1.2 from what i understand from Zero Legions. however, the exact quote from Keen is this

"Keyboard and mouse controls are not customizable yet, but they will be!"

They didn't overlook this issue they just simply didn't include it in this early access alpha release. it's not ideal and i fully understand that even I don't like being unable to rebind my controls and finding out i couldn't do it 5mins into the game was incredibly disappointing. Now, understandably i can still use the base control scheme so this doesn't impact me as an alternately abled person as you put it, but i wouldn't just accuse them of not thinking about accessibility needs. It just wasn't a top priority at this moment and they stated in the live stream that the current state of SE 2 isn't for everyone and many people may find that playing SE 1 will be a better option for many people while SE 2 continues to be developed.


SE 2 is not a game, yet. I knew what i bought, i didnt expected a playable game. I just hope it will not take another 10 years until its playable. Thats why i bought it. At least there will have enough money for fast development.

But never touch a running system, take what was good in SE1 and move it to SE2. Please!


@James, thank you. When I'm wrong, I try to promptly admit it. I did, in fact, overlook that. [edit] I also notice that the issue has been promptly moved to "In Progress".

I stipulate my rhetoric was a bit hyperbolic. That said, globally, accessibility issues are far too often put on the back burner or put in future plans that ultimately never materialize. This is an issue that almost always requires squeeky wheels to get the lubrication needed for everyone to enjoy the ride. Even when the ride is alpha bumpy. :)

@Usurpine, your comments better reflects my feelings (and excitement) on the issue. Well said.


not a problem. while the solution I'm about to offer isn't necessarily ideal. what you may want to consider is remaping key binds in steam itself or through windows (i'm assuming you using windows, but you should able to do so in linux too). i haven't checked in a while, but you should be able to turn it on or off or save it as a profile in one of the two places so you don't have to use it all the time. that might help let you play in the meantime till they release an actual key binding option in the actual game.


If I could offer some constructive feedback into the issue of keybindings.

Coming from a background of playing other games with driving or piloting elements, especially games with multi-modal transport options such as Battlefield 3 & 4, I found myself wanting a different set of keybindings for when I was piloting a craft to when I was running around.

For example.

Walking - you expect A-D to control strafing

and traditionally while flying a plane you expect A-D to control yaw, (and if you pilot keyboard only arrow keys left and right to control roll) with forward and backward to control pitch.

Taking controls from battlefield as an example.

Space engineers presents some complexity in that unlike conventional craft, it introduces strafing to the piloting experience, but in experimenting in SE1 - at the sacrifice of my walking around controls - I was able to keybind to a more pilot centric set, and found that I could much more effectively control an agile craft at speed, more akin to flying a helicopter in battlefield, even with asymmetric thrust like flying only with downward thrusters in gravity (similar to a helicopter).

So understanding Space Engineers has some extra nuance, I still think it would be a fantastic idea t - and I personally would greatly appreciate it - to have different keybindings for movement when walking around/jetpacking to when piloting a vehicle. IF that distinction alone could be present, that would be a huge win. Hopefully it's not to hard to implement.

It should not offer any detriment to the existing experience as you can always just bind them the same if you prefer.


That sounds interesting. Could share how you have done this in SE1? Maybe Keen also would be interested to know it.


Oh, it was just a test. I simply changed my key bindings to "pilot" ones. Making the walking/jetpacking ones ridiculous in the process. Q/E to strfe, A/D for yaw, left/right for roll, and up/down for pitch, W/S for Thrust Up/Down.

You lose all the other translation buttons, but I could fly around on a planet with grace and poise and only up thrusters on the vehicle.

Behaves like a helicopter of sorts. Using roll and pitch to angle around and "Up" thrust to push.

You could change W/S to forward/back thrust and have down thrusters w/ inertial dampeners to simulate lift - and you have an airplane sort of controls.

basically if you've ever flown a plane / helicopter in battlefield, that's basically the default keyboard controls.


Ah, I see, a great example why different profiles could be really useful.


I'm left handed and without the ability to remap key bindings I've given up playing. Suggesting that because its early access I shouldn't expect that functionality to be available - I just played the Sand 'Playtest'. I could re-map key bindings.

I know left handed users represent a small percentage of the population but why alienate any percentage of your market? On the surface that appears arrogant. If that is the reality it doesnt bode well (medium term) for SE2

Not quite good enough Keen.


And please make the keybinding all changeable, not only some and others are hardcoded. Go the extra step and make it all editable, you will not regret it in the future.

And I really like Meatballs point, separate the controls in seat from the character movement. With that it should also be easier to put HOTAS support later in (hehe ;) ).


As a left handed person, I am constantly in the minority. i rely upon re-bindable keys.

I use games "backwards", everything WASD, I swap with the arrow keys. because I put my mouse on the left side of the keyboard.

It is VERY awkward for me to use the WASD keys for movement.


I've requested a refund. Not good enough Keen


I'm curious if you actually watched any of the videos/streams leading up to the launch. They made it very clear this early access was a minimal viable product and that people that wanted a more complete experience shouldn't buy it at this time. There is also a work around which is to use steam to rebind your keys.


i mean in all fairness they were incredibly clear that its an early stage product and that if you're looking for a finished, polished game then to wait. kinda seems like you just didn't pay attention


I reply to this as someone who is now happy with the controls having only needed the inverted Y mouse feature added to be able to play. Thank you Keen!

However, there has been some interesting victim blaming going on. Keen were not "incredibly clear" about all the missing features as, it appears, they didn't really know some were missing. Admittedly, that is part of the point of Keen's whole early release plan. I fully get that but, saying a game is "early development" or "incomplete" is a bit vague and, sadly, doesn't completely distinguish it from some finished games these days does it?

The missing accessibility features are/were absolutely NOT "polish" for some players. They are required for them to physically be able to play the game and need treated as fundamental, critical game mechanics. There are third-party workarounds but some may not want to use them.

IMHO, Keen should have released SE2 Alpha as a limited development demo free of charge and not asked pre-Alpha testers to pay for the privilege of having their intricate ship designs wrecked by future block functionality updates. Some people don't like paying money for something they can't immediately, and easily, use. As an example, take Breathedge 2 - free demo, no invert mouse, I couldn't play. Fed this back to problem for me and little anyone could genuinely complain about - after all, it didn't cost anything.


This is not victim blaming they were transparent about what was being released and what the stages were going to be for implementing more content to the game. In the launch video which I'll linke below and provide a time stamp it's clearly stated this is an alpha product and it's minimally viable.

53:10; is the exact time you should fast-forward too.

Now, I'll admit this wasn't stated till after that launched the game, but they did not over sell vertical slice 1 and they talked about how space engineers 1 is still be ran and updated because SE2 is not ready for most people. To claim people are "victim blaming" because they pointed out someone is complaining about buying something they didn't research is ridiculous. Even steam warns people about purchasing early access games.

Also, the reason it's purchasable is because it's regularly receiving updates. Most of them are small and bug related, but you don't often see a demo, especially a free one, receive regular updates. Also, while I can't prove this. I suspect a demo can't be linked to the steam workshop making it harder for people to share ship designs.


IMHO SE2 is NOT an "Alpha" quality release (Google it for a more common definition) - too much content is missing. Also, it was NOT "minimally viable" for people who cannot/could not play it. And, you're having a laugh criticizing people for not being fully alert 53 minutes into a Keen video! (no offense intended, Xocliw)


'minimal viable' is not a quantifiable statement and is ambiguous at best. Developer A may have a very different take on what it means over Developer B. If they'd stated clearly Rebinding wasn't included I wouldn't have purchased SE2.

Rebinding keys is by no means new or innovative functionality. In the context of defining the game as 'playable' it certainly should have been a minimum requirement, given that without it the game, for some, doesn't meet the 'playable' standard.


I don't really mind waiting to be able to finaly play SE2 but there's also the problem regarding refunds and how long after the initial purchase Steam will allow them, so I'd be curious to know what is planned exactly, if ALL the keys (mouse wheel function, page up down insert del to rotate the blocks, even the ctrl+ZQSD and so on) will be re-bindable or just a select few ? Cause in the event where I wouldn't be able to put back the entire SE1 key mapping in SE2, then I'll ask for a refund, but I also can't wait 6 months as I'm not sure Steam will grant a refund after all that time... Can anyone from the team share a little bit of insight on that please ? Thanks !


Steam refund window is 2 weeks.

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