Improvement on the Copy Selection Bounding Box

Jade Nguyen shared this feedback 47 days ago
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There are some sandbox games that have the feature for copy and pasting sections of objects like SE2 is about to have. (Stormworks and Minecraft's worldedit mod) They allow for the player to select one block where they want to begin the selection process, and then select the opposite corner in 3 dimensions to get a very quick selection bounding box. Hold Ctrl and left click any block, then maybe Ctrl Right click or Shift left click any next block and the Selection box is created in the shortest distance that those two objects are within. Adding this would allow for broad strokes of quickly selecting large sections, and keeping the current method for precision edits would streamline the Copy Selection Process. Thank you for your time, and Thank you Keen Software House for SE1 and SE2!!!!

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